Hello everyone!!
Just a little blog cause we've not done this for ages, and noone leaves comments so it's just boring all round!!
The last few months in Melbourne have been all about WORK really...started my new job at Brentwood Secondary teaching science and maths and having a totally different experience to my first semester. LOADS of work in preparing, marking etc especially in the maths but I'm enjoying the challenge and everyone in the school is really nice which makes a big difference.
We have been working so well in fact that the principal offerred us both a job for 2010...and we had a big decision to make. Well, the news is we decided NOT to stay in Oz. Think we are getting everything we can out of it this year and it would just be a waste...teaching maths is not a joyful experience anyway and we've very nearly toured the country so...time to move on!!
So, that along with Aline's news of her wedding next May meant we had to spend our hard earned savings on some flights! So...if you want to keep up with where we will be - Melbourne until January, fly to Sydney (couple of weeks), fly to New Zealand (2 weeks), Vancouver (visit Greg 1 week), Toronto (visit Stephen's family 1 week) then arrive in sunny Glasgow 15th February!!!!! We will then be in the homeland until 1st June when we fly back out to Sydney and then on to New Zealand to find work!!!!!
It is all bought and paid for so that's whats happening if anyone can coordinate meetings along the way- fabulous!! I certainly hope those few months at home will be enough to catch up with everyone. Quite disappointed I won't be home for Christmas.
Will blog again soon with the fun things we've been doing in Melbourne (all work and no play makes Leah a dull girl) but that's how for now...
L xx
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