Kim's European Journey
It seemed as though yesturday we ran out of things we wanted to do. We went to St. Pauls Cathedral in the morning, but that took very little time. I was also irritated that I paid £9 and I couldnt take pictures. But the church is amazing and truly stunning. We walked quite a distance to the London Zoo. It was a typical zoo. Not very crowded, luckily. But oh how I love small children with British accents who use words like anti-climactic and obstruction.
Last night almost became a disaster. We had purchased our tickets through a broker at a small shop. They were supposed to be delivered to our hostel by 4, but they never came. I was so so irritated that we had each paid£55 (about $100) each for the tickets. But we went down to the theatre anyways to see if they had been dropped off. Basically, we probably got scammed. But the manager was really nice and gave us really good tickets for free. "Mary Poppins" was so much fun. Very cute. Amazing choreography and use of flying techniques. And the music was wonderful. It mostly followed the movie, but probably followed the books more closely. I hope it tours the states in the next few years. And I really need to buy the soundtrack.
I had a brief moment of panic this morning when I realized I had misplaced my camera card. So I pulled everything out of both bags and finally found it in another purse.
A shuttle should pick us up in a few minutes to take us to Heathrow. Our flight leaves at noon and we get into Chicago at 2. We leave OHare at 5 and get into CVG at 7. Cant wait to be home. Cant wait to not live out of a bag. But I am really going to miss it here.
This trip has been such an amazing experience. It is sometimes difficult to recognize how amazing things are when you have to worry about train times and hostels. But we have seen more on this trip than most people have in a lifetime. We have met dozens of interesting people and will always cherish the moments we have shared together. Nothing can compare to the experiences we have had on this journey.
I will post the superlative list and pictures in the next few days. Be sure to check those out. Thank you so much for reading this blog and giving me your input. I hope that you feel that you have shared some part of this experience with us. And I hope that at some point in your life, you will get to see and experience all of the wonderful things we have shared on this trip.
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