I enjoyed reading about your adventures all over Europe! Wish I could say I have been there to know what you have seen! It was very nice to read from a "girl's perspective" although it was humorous to read about urinals as well!! Also, thanks for letting me know that Nick survived the trip back from the mountain. That one had me a little concerned :) I am anxiously waiting to see all the pictures you post. Julie
Mother Mary
Kim, Thank you for all the time you put into keeping us on the mainland updated as to your adventures. It was something that was checked regularly and helped to relieve the worriers back home.
Look forward to hearing all of the stories and seeing ALL the pictures!
Aunt Sissy
Thank you, Kim, for the opportunity to travel along with you! It's been great fun!! See you soon!! Lots of Love!!
Aunt Sissy
Hey Kim, It sounds like you are having the trip of your lifetime!! I'm keeping up to date on all your travels but can't wait to hear all the fun stuff!! I miss you and can't wait to see you when you get back!!! Enjoy the rest of the trip!!
I'm already planning my "welcome home dinner"...and it includes LOTS of grilled vegetables...and a nice large steak wouldn't be too bad either!! ;-)
so far london takes the cake...however that is not saying much considering we've only been to two countries. overall, paris is entirely overrated.
Mother Mary
Love reading about you girls adventures! It makes us rest a bit easier knowing what you are doing. You do know now that if we don't hear from you or Rachel by phone/e-mail or blog posting each day we will be concerned. You have spoiled us!
Have a GREAT time, stay safe. Wish we were with you.
Aunt Sissy
Hi Kim, dear!
Loved your message today!! Great quotes!! Have fun and don't forget to get some sleep!! Love you Lots, honey!!
Oh, news: Jeff and Alicia had a baby boy, Saturday. Nicholas Thomas. Bye!
Nancy Sweet
Hi Kimmie,
Your mom forwarded your email to me. I'll be following your travels so try & keep us up to date. Have a great time & be safe. Lauren says hi.