Kim's European Journey
We finally made it home on Tuesday. Most of our luggage didnt follow until the next day, but the bottle of Chianti wine in my backpack made it safely so that was all I cared about.
The List
Best party: Pamplona
Best city: Venice
least favorite city: Nice, France
Best accomodations: Pamplona, night 2
Worst accomodations: horror house from Barcelona
Best food: Rome
Worst food: train station cafeterias/ dining carts
Kims most embarassing moment: exiting the bar in Rome
Rachels most embarassing moment: falling off of a bike on a boat in Amsterdam surrounded by small children
Heathers most embarassing moment: falling into an Aussie on her cheek/ Run of shame in Interlaken on way to catch train
Worst pick up line: Ciao Bella/ When are we dating?
Best pick up line: will you take a picture for me?- Aussie
Best dressed men: Italians and Londoners in pinstripe
Worst dressed men: Paris
Most irritating part of travel: bad showers
Best quote theme: "I could eat"
ate too much: gelato and ham & cheese baguettes
Didnt eat enough: chicken
Best blonde moment: Heather electrocuting herself with curling iron while standing in water holding a metal room key.
Best purchase: light up sword in Pamplona
Worst purchase: tour of Colliseum/ 24 euro taxi ride in Nice
Longest time waited for food service: 1 hr. in Amsterdam
Longest wait for public transport: 45 minutes
Best public transportation: London & Venice water taxi
Worst public transport: taxi ride in Nice
Hottest city: Rome
Most paid for bottled water: 3.50 euro in front of Colliseum
Biggest tourist sucker: Rachel and the Gladiator
Nicks most embarassing moment: Being lanced on the head by an angry street performer while in Pamplona
Clutziest: Heather
Teds biggest worry: train schedules
Most American tourist: Nick
Friendliest: Heather
Creepist guy we've dined with: Henry
Song we've removed from our iPod: Shakira "Hips Dont Lie"
Most popular European haircut: mullets
Best breakfast: House boat in Amsterdam
Worst breakfast: Dry white bread in London
What we missed at restaurants: ice cubes & refills
City we can never visit: Melbourne, Australia
Best game: the girls
Worst game: Nick & Ted
Most excuses: Nick & Ted
Biggest I told you so moment: Nick, Ted & Heather missing running of bulls on the first day
Worst bathroom: bar in Pamplona
Most underrated sight: Michelangelo's "David"
Overrated attraction: Changing of the guard
Best cathedral: St.Peters Basillica
Worst cathedral: The Duomo
Best painting: Raft of the Medusa
Worst painting: Mona Lisa
Hardest thing to find: Vinegar, contact solution, ice
Cheapest drink: 4 euro bottle of Sangria
Worst drink: lemon cough syrup dessert drink in Italy
Best drink: champagne
Most overused phrase: Thats what she said
Most appropriate phrse: When in Rome
Most inappropriate action: Nick putting on deoderant in public places, restaurants, trains
The Italian look: aviator glasses, buzzed haircut, designer man bag
# of times Heather invited strangers to dinner with us: at least 3
Most expensive city: London
Pictures to come.....
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