Hi everyone! Erin here :-)
Sorry for the long delay in updating the blog...I have had a very hectic time of late and I doubt Sophie has even been able to get to a computer! Now I think (well I'm hoping!) that everyone who knows me knows that I'm back home now...and have been for over three weeks...but let's just pretend that I'm in Singapore for the moment!
Well Sophie and I have arrived safely in Singapore and waited at the airport for the arrival of Nathan, Sophie's brother who was joining us after his trip around New Zealand. As soon as we got to our hostel (which was quite an escapade I can tell you...Sophie and I 'forgot' to look up the exact location of our hostel, so some very friendly locals helped us on our way!) we were hit by what can only be described as the hottest place on earth! With 90% humidity, we were all sweating in places that we didn't know we could sweat (sorry if that's put any of you off your dinner, but I have to include ALL of the experiences in our blog!)
We were a bit worried before going to Singapore as quite a few people told us that there wasn't a great deal to do there - how wrong they were! We love it here! The first day we did loads of walking around the city, seeing places like Raffles Hotel, Marina Quay, the Skyline Wheel...oh and visiting some of the 50,000 shopping centres in the city to cool off in the air conditioning! My particular favourite! In the afternoon we went to an amusement park called Sentosa, where we had a ride in a cable car and then went up the Tiger Tower for amazing views around the city.
That night Sophie and Nathan were adamant that they did not want to miss the footie that was on (unfortunately I've forgotten who was playing but I seem to remember lots of screaming Japanese people in Man Utd shirts, so I'm guessing they were playing) and then we finished the day by going on the Skyline Wheel for fantastic views over the city at night, probably one of the best things we did in Singapore!
The next day was finally time for some shopping - yay! We visited Bugis Street market in the morning, and Sophie and I bought some bargains from a jewellery stall. We didn't want to buy too much though as we had been told that the markets in Thailand were better, so we decided to be good and save our money :-)
The rest of the day was spent walking (and sweating) around the city and then, well what else could we do when we were in Singapore? Yes, we went to Raffles Hotel and had a world famous Singapore Sling cocktail which was delicious! Although at £13 a go, we had to make that cocktail last...we managed to drag it out for a good few hours ;-) I think Sophie and Nathan found it more fun eating the monkey nuts and chucking the shells on the old custom that we had to all join in with!
We have booked ourselves onto a luxury bus to travel to Kuala Lumpur tomorrow, so I'll update you on our fun and frolics from there!
x x x
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