Hey All, Erin has handed it back to me to update you on the next eg of our trip!
From Kaikoura we went to Christchurch where we went to the International Antartic Centre and experienced a snow storm in -18 conditions, went on a Haggland snow mobile ride and watched little blue penguins being fed. From there we made the hell raising journey round the moutains to Akoroa to swim with dolphins. The long trip was well worth and the dolphins are very friendly, coming to play with us, amazing experience and to top it off the two tour guides were fit! lol
We then drove to Dunedin and stopped off at Cadbury's World to get some much needed supplies of chocolate. Upon leaving Dunedin with a 6 1/2 hour drive to Milford Sound head of us,we experienced 90mph gale force winds. Ive never seen anyone jump out of the drivers seat as quick as Marilyn, so guess who came to the rescue... ME! I tackled the winds for the next 2 1/2 hours as i was determined we were going to arrive that day, after all we are on a tight schedule and couldnt afford to sit in the petrol station waiting for the wind to die down as the girls had originally suggested! Well we arrived in one piece, with my tri and bi-seps bulging!!lol
Milford Sounds is amazing, there we went on a cruise around the fiordlands. I cant explain quite how gorgeous the scenery really was, it was breathtaking. After the cruise we then set off on our 4 hour drive to the party capital of NZ...QUEENSTOWN. This place certainly wasnt a disappointment and really is at good at everyone says.
The first day we explored the town, which is lovely and yesterday we hit the activites and went jet boating and white water rafting. Jet boating was cool but rafting was so much more fun. Us girls we in a biat with 3 danish guys and we luckily got put with the best tour guide. We had such a laugh, fortunately our raft didnt tip over, much to the disspointment of the guide who did everything in his power to get us out of the raft, although at one of the grade 4 rapids i nearly flew out, but he kindly caught me. Last night we hit the bars and joined a huge pub crawl. Erin had the pleasure of accompanying me in drinking Jager bombs. Me being a great friend convinced her they tasted nice but her face after downing it said soemthing completely different, sorry Ez, you loved it really. PUb crawl was a great laugh and met loads of cool people. Me being me managed to get into a debate with some scottish guy about formula 1 and darts being sports. He 'strongly' felt that DARTS was more of a sport than F1... i think not!!! Anyhow this drunken debate continuted for the next 2 hours. He also kept banging on about how FLETCHER is a better footballer than RONALDO!?!?!?! and that he hates England, suppose it could have something to do with the fact he was born in Wycombe and that is about the only place he had been to!! lol
Anyhow pub crawl ended up with us all being pretty hammered and subsequently my head was pounding this morning. Today we have had a lazy 'hangover' day and went for a nice thai lunch.
Tomorrow we are hoping to perhaps go quad biking, which we will a great laugh and this time i will be able to thrash it and go over 90kmp, unlike our campervan.
Weather is still hot but not quite as warm as the north island and you will be pleased to know our tans are all coming on nicely.
I hope you all keeping well. We are going to try and out some pics on here soon.
Happy snowballing.;)
take care
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