second entry is a little late yes i do admit.
promise it will never happen again. double promise. anyway today is thursday and i am currently listening to a whole bunch of music in preparaton for the sasquatch festival! which i will be departing for tomorrow arvo, with nina and amelia and company. very very excited yes i am! its 4 nights camping, in this place called 'the gorge' in washington, near seattle...we are driving down, itll take a few hours, i like roadtrips. i am stealing luke's gumboots, after woodford muf experiences cica '07 i will never ever not bring gumboots to a festival. even though its forecast to be hot and sweaty all weekend. ill be mising 1 and a half days of work but its worth it! kol, yeahyeahyeahs, ben harper, santigold, bon iver, tv on the radio, crystal castles, fleet foxes, grizzly bear, doves, decemberists, school of seven bells... and so many more. man oh man its going to be sweeeeet.
vancouver is fast becoming my new best friend. im not sure if this city realises how lovely it is, its not very boastful. i have been enjoying trying out all the little cafes and yummy food p[laces, most notably the cheap sushi, and generally having many many dates with this new best friend of mine. it has been geting warmer and warmer as the days go by, i can feel the summer coming. but then again vancity can be unpredictable, one day the sun is a shining and the next minute your drenched waiting for the bus, regretting not bringing that umbrella you havent bothered to buy yet...
blogging is weird, i dont know if im quite the blogging type. perhaps i havent found the right site or whatever. anyway its always good to write stuff and s*** and yeah. i bought a cardiga from american apparel on granville st yesterday after babysitting (oh yes--i have commenced doing one day babysitting two adorable little boys across the road one day a week on top of my 4 days at eclipse office) and i realised i still havent gotten used to the fact that tax is not included in the price of anything except maybe coffee. so there i was happy to pay 39 for this thing before the guy demands (well, asks politely) for 45 and im like oh say what. i payed it obviously, and am wearing it right now and its fabulous, but it still gets me sometimes. when i return to sydney ill always be thankful for the inclusive of gst thing that seems to be a basic right.
i am peckish, i should leave this office and find some food. wish me luck. x until next time, when i will update you in the wide world of sasquatch :)
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