I cant believe I am leaving Vanouver in 3 weeks! It has gone incredibly fast, probably because of the amazingly good time I have been having here. Today I have been doing alot of banking and to-ing and fro-ing for eclipse, which is good because I like being able to walk around and see the city while at work. Another thing I have been doing today is booking a hotel on hotwire for cathey and I, we are going to Montreal on the 30th to see the city obviously and also because Stevie Wonder is playing a free concert! We will drive up from the cottage and stay the night, I am mighty excited.
Weekend was nice, it was a quiet one but that was a good thing, its been a while since Iv been in actual Vancouver on the weekend, we are always flitting here and there (which is also awesome) but sometimes its just nice to have a normal weekend where you just beeeee. So friday night was a picnic at the beach with a nice bunch of folks, saturday was brunch at 'sophie's cosmic cafe'-yes i finally went after all these years of having that tshirt-and babysitting that night, watched 'maria full of grace', with nina which was quite intense. sunday was a lazy morning, yum, then neen and i used her free movie passes (free popcorn included) to see star trek, finally, and we liked it indeed we did. then we went shopping and i bought some pretty things including some presents and souvenirs for those people whom i left behind in the land of oz, and when we got home there was some nice mexican food being prepared so we thought we might eat some. it was quite delish. then it was time to book our new york hotel room, watch some 6 feet under, which i am swiftly becoming extremely addicted to, 5 second attemp at doing some yoga, and then sleep sweet sleep. all in all, an enjoyable 'fine-settimana'.
Today I am going to go and explore more of 4th Avenue, I am determined NOT to purchase anything though, apart from maybe a coffee. I am trying my best to be a frugal person, and I must say I am pretty proud of myself, but even so there are so many beautiful shoes here I cannot resist at times. Also, I am going to be buying one of those cute little mini laptop netbook things in the next 3 weeks. I found this really uber-cute one from Futureshop, its hp and its only 299 which i thought was good. So there goes another little dip in my savings...but for a worthy worthy cause, no?
Listening to 'alas i cannot swim' by laura marling. cute as a button. spoke to my little cousin simona last night, it was her 5th birthday on the weekend. her darling little voice was so good to hear over the phone, "sophie I miss you too" "the cat is doing so well" oh i miss being able to walk down the road to visit her, when i was at dads. now im listening to "jelous kindof love" by noah and the whale. also extremely cute, but too short i would prefer if it went for longer than one minute and 27 seconds. i suspect i am becoming a little bit too strem-of-conciousness-ish (even though this is a blog) so I think I will say adios amigos.
by the way. i have noticed that this blogging website automatically puts those stupid little stars over my swear words. what happened to freedom of speech you bunch of f***ed up b**** c*** holes?????
x Sophie
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