yes, i do realise im not actually in washington state anymore, i have been home for 2 days now. but wow oh wow,
what an amazing time i did have at the sasquatch festival. suuuch a beautiful place. i will attempt to put up photos soon, the view of the gorge which was the main stage are was absolutely spectacular, one of the most picturesque view I have ever laid eyes on.
weather-this was very hot. oh so scorchy. even by my australian standards, thank god my legs were freshly shaved for the weekend or i would have looked quite the sight in my short shorts and little skimpy dresses that are more like shirts. The valley-like qualities of our surroundings made this dry weather ideal for camping, rain would have been hell for our tent which had a few broken zips. we (amelia, nina and i, and dervla for 1 night too) stayed 4 nights in total, and only managed to get our camp stove working on the 3rd night. but no matter, we managed to survive on cereal and baby carrots and chips and crackers. the nights were chilly chilly chilly, so on that sunday night that we finally got the stove lit, huddled around that beautiful flame, we were veryy very comforted to be able to make a well deserved cup o tea. mmmm.
but on to the most important thing of all: the bands. a highlightsof mine was bon iver, whose hauntingly beautiful performance still lingers in my mind, the high of his voice still catches me off guard, and it did so in the dusky blue lighting of his set, no matter how many times I have listened to 'skinny love' thos lyrics still make me want to cry. Other amazing acts were crystal castles (the most chaotic and fun live show Iv been to, Alice Glass is craaaaazy i love her), santigold (really funny and good stage presence, on her last song 'creator' she got a bunch of people from audience to dance crazily on stage), tv on the radio (the drummer wore the same grizzly bear t shirt as me whoich i thought was pretty cool), yeah yeah yeahs (karen oh's outfit was electrifying as usual), of montreal (sweet masks and costumes and acrobatics), girl talk, fleet foxes, grizzly bear...sooo many others but i cant remember them all. ben harper and kings of leon were a bit dissapointing, but i cant really say that cos we only stayed for the first bit of their shows before scampering off to other acts. ahhh what i great 3 days. so many different festival types, americans, lotsof canadians, a few aussies i spotted with their flags and hats and bonds undies. there are so many objects that stay in my mind. the heat and the sweat and cheering and beer and ever present pot scent and water cravings and 5 dollar cokes and the vomit/pee/pass out corner behind the portaloo's or 'porta-pottys' as they call it in north america; the smiles and the tiredness and the enegry and the walking and the dusky eyes and the 3 hour shower lineup and the dirty thongs (flip flops) and shirtless men and tanned skin and burned backs and colourful umbrellas and dressed up everythings, oh what fun. photos dont do it justice, not any of it, my memory will have to be preservation enough of such a magic.
Vancouver is considerably warmer now too. gone are the days of leather jacket and scarf and glove necessity; i am content in my t shirt and jeans, sometimes even shorts, onyl the evenings are reserved for the occasional cardigan flurry. Nina and I are stil working out our New York Plans for august, AND ofcourse i wish to get onto my plans for montreal, quebec city and toronto once we are at the cottage. i will have to brush up on my french...
must go, gotta fly, au revoir, baaaybye my prettys xxx
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