Hi all,
Arrived in borneo a few hours ago and I'm feeling so sleepy! I've got that stupid song 'you've had a bad day' song in my head and my brain can't cope with it - argh!
I finally got a golden ticket to go up the towers yesterday and it was foggy so slightly dissapointing. I met this really nice australian family and pretty much hung around with them for the rest of the day. Went out on the town with one of the guys until around 4am and slept in for my flight - got there in the nick of time though, woops! It didn't help matters that I had to get my bags scanned three times as the security labels kept coming off.
My hostel in borneo has a weird atmosphere and the staff keep calling me 'laura jane smith' every time I go up to the desk! I'm trying to sort out my trip to orangutans and turtles but it's proving to be difficult so far. Maybe I'll go for a nap and things will seem easier once I've has some sleep! My friends the mosquitoes greeted me as soon as I touched down so I think im going to have to get some more skin eroder (deet) to keep them at bay.
Sorry I have no banter today! Will, I just got a big waft of rice cakes - some smells just never leave my memory. Is there any cakes or chocolate in the office?
speak to you all tomorrow,
P.s paul, nice to hear from you, it better be at least 22degrees by the time I get there!!!!
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