After an amazing flight over Tierra del Fuego from Navarino, today we are on route for Torres delPaine national. Although many people visit the park, it is regarded as one of the best areas for scenery and pursuit, in the world.
We plan to complete the full 10 day circuit however have heard it is a little costly at campsites.
Sounds like it will be an epic journey nonetheless, it is possible to combine the journey with a Seakayak paddle.which might be on the cards. Will have to see the cost of it however.
People: I have found that due to the adventurous nature of travelling it is inevitable that you will find crazy people on their own adventures. David, a young charismatic polish man definitely fits the crazy and adventurous bill. From a tough upbringing in politically inflicted, and cold country, his optimism for life helped him to develop a dream to "drink vodka with penguins"
John the Alaskan, a fishing guide who works 4 months then travels the rest of each year. Was a great laugh after a few beers. With a wealth of crazy stories, approached by armed rebelstrying to hold the Darien gap, held up at gun in Panama and trekking across Alaska, for example, he was great company. He had a kind spirit, and seemed to be afraid of nothing.
Cecelia our Mamados. She is one of the most hospitable people I have come across. Could not do enough for people staying El refugio, acting as stayers taxi, cook, information anything. She also welcomed us into her home when to refugio was free at no cost.
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Craig Where you at now JoSav . . . .walking . . . walking . . . .walking