We've had two fairly big days...well, kind of...
Yesterday, we met in town and went to the Herbert Museum and Gallery and had a look at the history of Coventry (from the 1100's up to now - including an old school irish dancing dress!) and also Lady Godiva - did the infamous ride really happen? Also had a wander through the Cathedral again. Then we went for beer! Our first English beer...well for this trip at least. We then caught the bus and visited Pat, Gina, Emily and Laura before home for some dinner and early to bed again...I tried to sit through 'I'm a Celebrity - Get Me Out of Here' but I couldn't do it, although I know that Nicola got voted out (like any of you care!)
Today Koren, Mary, Joanna, Emma, Tara and I caught the train to Birmingham to go to the Frankfurt Markets. They are really pretty and have nice lights and fantastic food and drink. We 'sampled' candied cashew nuts, bananas and strawberries dipped in chocolate, mulled wine, winter pimms and apple juice, mulled cider and topped it all off with a lovely hot chocolate with baileys....mmmmmm...we were so warm by the time we left!
Tonight, we met the 'Brannigan' cousins in town after school and went for hot chocolate. It was great to have us all together for the first time...
Tomorrow we hope to go to Oxford, although they are predicting a fair bit of snow in the morning so we may not get there. Hope everyone is well!
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