Enjoy the rest of the trip and have a really safe trip home!!! Look forward to seeing you!
Love from,
The O'Briens
We won 8 -3 which is a good thing cause the other team only had 6 players for the game. It certainly wasn't pretty, but they swam fairly well considering we basically had no subs either. Anyway the interesting part of the evening was the E grade mens game, Teagan had to ref as wawpi didn't send us a ref again. Her reffing was good, but a couple of the blokes didn't realise we weren't playing for sheep stations (namely colin from peel). I got into an arguement with a bloke from the other team, I just about had to physically restrain Dad twice. It was an interesting evening.
Here's your weekly water polo report (early). We Won 10 - 0 (City beach forfeit).
Gina :)
and happy australia day, for 10 days ago! =)
Gina ;)
hey ;) just a quick note to say hi! sorry i have been on here, we've been back at school and I've had exams already! The girls are great, just waiting for half term to arrive. It's in one week time. yay. ;) we got snow on monday and tuesday, and wednesday it was just hanging around, but we got loads last night so we've got today off school! going down the park soon to make a snowman, toboggan etc. its really heavy! and we've ran out of grit for the roads, so it looks like we're gonna have to walk everywhere 'till the rain comes! been looking through your photos and it looks like your having a fab time! can't wait to talk to you again. have a lovely time in hawaii, and get some rest from all this hectic travelling!
lots of love, gina, emily, laura, pat and mick. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello, We won 10 - 4 against Triton, C grade had a bye so we borrowed Rach, Rochelle and Steph, but we didn't have Bec N as apparently she is badly burnt on her back and can't even put her bathers on!! They only had 6 for the first qtr, and it was a bit painful to watch (Peel that is) but luckily we were winning at the end of the first qtr. Jodie got a couple of goals, Hayley got 3 goals, Rochelle got a couple and the rest were spread around. Played much better than last week.
Hello, Jacob started back at school today. He seemed ok in a new classroom etc, looks like all the transitioning last year worked. Hopefully tomorrow he'll be ok as I won't be hanging around. He has got a couple of his friends in his class from last year. Renae started swimming lessons today and did very well. Humidity is really getting too me at the moment, other than that not doing too bad.
PS - love the photos of Lombard St and all of SF for that matter!
Hey there Siobhan, Emma and Tara!
We've FINALLY made it here!!!! We're enjoying your photos and updates - sounds like you're all having a great time. Keep enjoying the trip - we all miss you Siobhan (especially Joey of course who is desperately missing dancing! LOL!!!!) We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year - (better late than never) - thinking of you and wishing you all continuing safe travels.............take care.
Seamus, Suzanne & Eily
I know you are getting near the end as you have moved to warmer climes. First day of February here and we have snow and winds from Russia! Eily is happy as she has been praying for it.Just watched the Aussie open final with Nadal beating Federer in 5 sets with the temperature cooling down to 25C at night. Andy Murray is saving himself for another day. News from Ireland that Auntie Greta and Jimmy have gone in to a home as he took a turn over Christmas. Keep having fun as the party ends soon!!! Seamus, Suzanne & Eily
HEY GUYS!!!!! how are you... lots cold over there...... EMMA... TRY NOT TO BE SOOO DESTRUPTIVE TOWARDS THE SNOW!!!!!! ahahah lol :P hope all is well, not long before you guys are coming back.... it has gone soooo fast!!! :P cant wait to see you again....... :D
Your weekly water polo update. First half very good, looked like we were going to storm home big time. 3rd qtr scrappy and crappy, 4th qtr s***! And now I'm going to forget we ever played that game.......