well i have to say, unfortunately the last couple of days have been pretty s***.....on sunday i was getting on the bus from san jose to go to tamarindo and some ******* **** stole my small rucksack with my passport, all my money, bank card, driving license, camera, ipod, phone, travel journal, all my books including my guide book. the police were crap and i had to miss my first day of school to go to the embassy in san jose on monday morning to get a new passport and my mum had to transfer money into some western union account coz i had absolutely nothing! everyone at the hostel in san jose were really nice, one girl lent me some money and then i went with some people there on sunday night and drowned my sorrows with tequila!
but i got a new passport by monday lunchtime and was able to get a bus that afternoon so i only missed one day of school. now im over the hysterically crying angry stage i believe things happen for a reason and i guess now i have less to carry! i just learnt my lesson the hard way.
but now im safe and sound in tamarindo, the house is great, theres about 10 of us living there and everyones lovely, i share a room with 2 girls from switzerland. i finally feel like im living in my very own uni house! the school is a 30second walk away which is all good considering this week my lessons start at 8 in the morning! and the beach is about 1minute away, sorry to rub it in but its boiling here! had my first lesson today and theres 3 other people in my class, it was really fun and the teachers dont speak any english to you so hopefully i will pick it up quickly.
well ive gota go coz ive got homework to do! i hope everyone is safe and well at home xx
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