Hello again and thanks for all your views of our photos and your messages. AGAIN - Please send us a message IF you are following us regularly ..thanks! Today was a sleep in .... er, up at 6am ... and a rest! We have just been walking around Siem Reap (as we did last night - which was ace in 'Pub Street') and taking in the atmosphere. It's a strange old place - I know many people loathe it - it can be un-Cambodian, touristy, annoyingly 'salesy', full of hassles etc., however, it has its charms. Yes being asked 'Tuk-tuk, sir?' by EVERY driver (and there are LOTS of them) all day can be tiring and being asked by market vendors 'You buy something, Sir?' can be likewise. All said, though our hotel staff and those at the eateries we have been to, are attentive, friendly and (in the main) interested.The people we met at the Buddhist Temple, Angkor, the market and around town (including 'Jerry' we met today who at 7, lost a leg from landmines, cheerily sells some small items around town - when not at school - see his picture in our latest album) have also been more polite and engaging than MANY I have met further South in the UK.... So in short we are loving it - although the 35 degree heat is a drain! Enjoy the photos, and keep the messages a-coming.... later..
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