Hi Shelley I have just had a lovely dinner with Mum and Dad and Kev and Amy. Since then I have caught up with your photos, I think you are very brave with all the things you are doing. I was pleased with the post cards, send me one when you get to Australia. You still look as beautiful as ever.
Take care
Lots of Love xxx and Hugs.
Lisa Marie
Hi shell, still going strong I see. Cara if you can see this, the Libertine start in LA this weekend. Should I spend the money to see it?? Where should I be looking for you. Shell be a love and pass this on for me too.
Well well well Mr. Greek, what are you fundraising for? Maybe we could join forces...you could be Terri Irwin???
P.S That Warwick Davis site is pure, unadulterated, incredible GENIUS.
Guilty Greek
Yeah, I'm feeling a bit s*** about the lack of charity Kev, but I'm trying to fundraise for some stuff myself at the moment. Sorry sorry sorry and all that. Good luck with the Steve Irwin s*** though....
you heard him you lot, give him some money, he said if someone sponsors more than 80 quid he'll run dressd as steve urwin (mullet and all!) i would but it dosn't fit into my budget?!??! (yes....im on a budget!) and the bottom line is if he does his knee in during the first mile the money still goes to cancer, well done kevin. run like the wind. x
Nobody from here has sponsored me. Oi Greek, you're always on here - why haven't you sponsored me?!? Just incase you've forgotten... www.justgiving.com/kevbrady p.s. Elo Shell, how's the Warwick Davis affair going? If anyone gets bored... www.warwickdavis.com LEGEND!!!!
Matthew Greek
Word up Shelley, are you going to Phill's birthday thing?
He said it would ruin his night if you don't..............
Brady myster generalio
can't believe its taken me so long to catch on with the trend of this message board thingy
ah yeahh! sounds like you are living it up in the sun shine a'la thailind, someone called frenchy (....could it be frenchie from grease? aka, the pink ladies??!!) i need to go back and read your stuff in more detail. im never in the interenet cafe for very long.
Dont tell Rozzy but that short person she refered to earlier selling his clothes well it was me, a she. and no i didnt sell my pants- as if i would, she always makes it out to be more elaborate. oh rozzy see you tonight.
hello gita, message much appreciated, and yes it was about time kev got moving aye? and if you ever decide that the office has got to you aswell, and is wearing you down emotionally and mentally, please join me wherever i am for some lighthearted fun and laughter. (thats all i do all day...honestly...) see ya x
Hi Shelley
I work with Kev, who constantly complains about his B**tard journey to work!!!...and after 5 months the s*** bag decides to do something about ittoday he handed in his notice!....not a good day for us interns as in this place Kev was the voice of sanityWooo lets not go that far, well from time to time he was. Im well gutted that were going to be with out Brady his a top lad, really funny etc anyway Im sure you dont want to know about this sob story, but whenever you get a chance just let him know whos boss!
However I have regular updates/stories from Brady about your amazing adventures and experiences, I can say that I am extremely jealous of you!!! I really think you have a lot of guts to go traveling all by yourselfI rate you, U GO GIRL!!! In your pictures you look like youre having the most amazing time ever, keep it up and GOODLUCK with your travels. You will probably hear from me and Ill check in on you from time to time as I am quite intrigued about your around the world trip.
Oh by the way I really cant believe how you and kev look so alikeim a twin and me and my twin dont even look like siblings, where as you and Kev r like mirror reflectionsOH MY GOD!! You now all Kev needs to do is wear a blonde wig and dam he could pass off aas you!
Anyway hun, have fun, enjoy every second of your travels and be safe.