hello kids, just a quick one to let you know that all these crazy nights out in sydney got the better of me and i have now lost my mobile phone....s***....let ya know when i have another. love shelley xxx
hi shelley how u doin then?
got ur site of darren, jeez it seems like so long ago we were larking about like crazy scamps in pee pee!!!! just been looking thru ur pic's feel really sad now, might go and have a drink to numb the pain/boredom of being back in england, and back to work much :-( . . . . got a cd the other day from hugh with all his pic's and my pic's, tho most of the blimmen pic's r of him and bloody fish!!!! looking at ur pic's stirred up many very happy feelings inside me,
it's strange to think that u and other people i/we met r still travelling round, mostly in oz!!!!! we must have had at least 15 hours of sun since i've been back, about the same amount of time i had to endure in moscow!!!! ha ha just in case u were wondering it was no better in moscow on the return leg....... :-)
i'll keep an eye on ur travels hope u continue to have an amazing time . . . . say hi to the oz chicks from me and speak to u soon james :-) x x
Just had a look through your photos and they brought back some quality memories. It looks like your loving it, your photos are superb, just wish i was still there enjoying those good times with you xxxxxxx
hi everyone, you have probably noticed that i have a distinct lack of photos from Australia so far. camera still broken from bloody mountain! and i only have slightly drunken ones from friends...as you can see...i assure you that i have been out in the daytime, working a bit, and havn't completely wasted 3 weeks in ozzie bars. really mum. ill email all details to you all soon, its good here, i might stay forever! love shelley x
Hey babe, jst cheackin out your photos man they are awsome! But you are missing photos of Australia you need to get some up there so everyone can see how mad we all are, actually your olds look at this site dont they?/ Maybe not such a good idea, we all wanna be in the good books when we meet them in december. Hahah nah just jokes we are all Angels, we would never be drunk and disorderly! hahahahahahahahahaha................ Hope you had fun at work and ill see you tomorrow for beer, sunshine and reggae down at Narranbeen, lookin forward to meeting your cuz to!!!. Love you long time! MWAH! MAKE SURE YOU BRING YOUR CAMERA, if its still gettin fixed take musa's!
shell i the photos looking good! ill be seeing you in two days! i cant wait to be famous on your web site! love cuz
Hey love...... God do i ever miss you..although am havin a fab time in Thailand, it would just be that much better if you were here.. met a kinda fit guy...and i guess we are sorta dating if you will....dating in the travel world..haha
Hope all is well... ill e mail soon... i miss you llloovvvveeeeee uuuuu
Hey shell, just thought i'd let u know all the girls r on county nightlife in tnt if u wanted to check it out, Luv lou
thanks amy, as it happens i was just brushing up on my 'paper/scissors/rock' technique the other day so it could be a messy night. will let ya know! i feel like im at home here in oz, im staying with my mates and the other day their dad made me bangers and mash almost as good as brends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i smiled for 7 hours. im also meeting up with my little cuz jamie in the next few weeks and he's gonna teach me how to play poker so i may never ever need to work again. keep your fingers crossed. more good news.....i have a phone!!!!!! id forgotted how to send a txt-no joke. so here is the number and i know you will all be happy now you can call me every day: 0061401 762135. cheap too apparantly. yes. love you all xxx
Hi monkey! Just about to go to your Auntie Ann's for a roast dinner....yummy.....can't wait!
How is it in Oz...loving it? Sydney is wicked.....where you staying?! Theres a bar in Kings Cross that gives your free drinks if you play Paper/Scissors/Rock with the barman and win!!!! I know Kev always wins- does it run in the family- you could have a very cheap night! Byeee Mwuahhhh x x x
WE MISS YOU ALREADY!!!!!!!! How is Oz?? Great I am sure! Weve been drowning our sorrows in buckets and Changs, its not the same without you, but we're fairly happy. LOL!