How you doing huni...Hope your well and having fun, well i can see from your pics your having an awesome time. What would you say has been your most favorite experience up untill now?....tooo many i guess!
Hey im gona give a shout out to Kev too...Mr Brady do you wana keep intouch, check your email's!!!!! Hope your well m8
Back to you Shelley the kids look like umpa lumpas they are sooooooooo cute!!! Well take care hun
Gita XxXxXx
Hay Shel, I have finally figured out this jiggery pokery exploring thingy. hope your well you look great in the pictures, much browner than us milk bottles here. Bye for now Alex
Happy To Hear Rozzy Greek
Hello Rosamund, give me a call please sister, it would be nice to hear your voice. Peace X
They don't have computers in brazil so not technically my fault. I'm home now so i will be very good and write in here everytime i am near a computer. News from england. There was a medical trial that went wrong and the people got really big heads. They are ok now but i am now kind of glad that i am not allowed to do them. It is really cold. My toes are cold and my nose is cold. I got to wear a scarf today which i brilliant...i love scarfs. My brother says i look like kirsty allsop but i think it is just that i over use scarves and general peices of material as legitimate items of clothing. My dog has got a bit fat but not much has changed here shelley. I'm glad. Wish you were back. It's so nice to understand overheard conversations. At the airport a really posh guy talking about the queue divider arrangement said 'this is like the opposite of a funnel...what's the opposite of a funnel?'. Shelley what is the opposite of a funnel? I love eavesdropping, people are funny. Love and Miss you x x x x x
Irked Greek
Hello? Where the sh--i--t are all of Shelley's so called MATES? Uh? Uh? Scoundrels................
Hey mate it's nice to see that you don't just get drunk out there!
Carla Jamieson
Your sitting next to me..... and we are about to name our borneo pics..... so glad i met you, you are such a wonderful girl..... Borneo has been so good, especially sicne we've gotten rid of you know who.... ha ha.... here's to more Borneo memories, and what, what was that??? Cancun??????? heck ya. love u
Kev- I have deliberately stayed away from this messageboard due to the devestating implications of your last message Re: Terri Irwin.
I am fundraising for Nigeria, and as such, if we were to join forces, there would be a strange split of the pot. This isn't celebrity couples Millionaire Kev, and even if it was, YOU would be Terri, and I would be the legend Stevo. Now leave it out, before I release some tarantulas into your house. Word Shelley X
Bonjour Miss Shelley!
How are you? where are you now? I just arrived in Kuala Lumpur this morning...Oups, I stayed a bit too long in Cambodia. I couldn't leave this place.. I suppose that now you are in Borneo doing a treking to see the monkeys shagging you little pervert! I hope everything is fine for you and that you have a great time. When are you leaving for Australia?
Take care,
Hello stranger!! Kev has just stared working with me and gave me your e-mail address. Just looking through your photos's, looks like your having a fab time!! hope you are well and making the most of every minute!!! keep in touch mate, hope to hear from you soon x x x x