You will never censor me Shelley. FREEEEDOOOOMMMMMM!
I don't think you're even on holiday. Liar.
I'm gping to Spain now. Go on you Arsenal! Bye X
you are no longer permitted to leave messages here when it is your time of the month. we've had this problem before havn't we? remember, a lemsip and a hot water bottle. always cheers you up. x
Matt Greek
Roz did that entirely of her own accord you cynical child-catcher.
Hi Shelley, Thank you for your vivid descriptions of HoiAn and Nha Trang. That was very kind of you and Frenchy to get the globe and the other things for the kids in HoiAn. I bet they will never forget you both. It has stopped snowing here but now its raining. Lucky you over there in the sun. Lots of love from us all here in Berlin.
matt, stop using other peoples names to promote yourself on my website. roz quite obviously does not think you are brilliant. roz, can i have a pic of the funny man, and in return i will send you a pic of a vietnamese midget. p.s TTTRRRIIIXXXYYY HHOOBBBIIITTT XXXX p.s can you all give a bit of extra cash to our kev, im a poor backpacker who needs all her money for ice-cream, diving and fairly nice hotels with sky t.v. im in no position to be sponsoring him. taa x p.s again...that might be a joke.
Matt is brilliant
Hello shelley last night a very short person tried to sell me his clothes so he could by some alcohol. He had a funny face and i though of would have liked him. He tried to sell his pants to the people next to us so we also got to see his bum. Not sure if you would have liked that so much. Don´t stay there and teach kids geography...i know you are thinking about it. Miss you x x x x x
Shelley's Little Brother
Hello people, I'm doing a half marathon on April 9th for Cancer Research - I know it's not a marathon but it's still a f***ing long way!!! If you wanna sponsor me go to - all donations welcome no matter how stingy. Ta. x
Hi shelley minelly i miss you i hope you are ok x
Hey babe it looks like you are having a blast in veitnam! Ive got some of the same photos of halong bay, i swear looking at the photos of thailand jst makes me sad! I miss asia so much its not funny im hating being home! Cant wait till you get to sydney i hope i wont be to full on with uni and work! Have a balst babe and party hard for me ok! xoxoxoxox
shelley - what a lovely green coat your weraring, I hope you didnt steal it off that poor bloke with the dodgy tash? You look gorgeous but that coat really didnt do it for me!
I love this country! Where else in the world on your way to work can you be given the finger, be called a w*nker and have man in a white van try and kill you rather than let you in a lane??? Not missing much Shell, keep those Nam kids smiling, and the Nam men at a distance...they look depraved. p.s. Is Machew gay? No offence Machew.