2 1/2 years ago i started this website and its about to come to an end. what an amazing experience ive had. i actually cant put it into words but just click into any of my photo albums and you will see for yourself. thanks for keeping in touch, thanks for messaging me, will see you all again sometime soon, shelley xxx
shelley minelli do u remember me??
My gosh shell! Looking through your pics is sooo cool my gosh you have had the most amazing experience and met so many people you are one lucky gal! look at your fairwell pic! Oh how much you have changed! I could hardley even recognise the girl in those photos! hahahah....... I hope taz is being good to you! Missing you heaps here in syd! Im even more upset as i dont know when ill be seeing you again :( Make sure alan looks after you or i will be on the first flight there to give him a good punch in the face hahahahahahah...... Jokes i know he will! Take care beautiful and stay in touch! xoxoxoxoxo
P>S> i never knew you went to the northern territory?????? ha!
Laura Ramsey
Hay Braders its only bludy me!!! i have sent you an e-mail so check it and mail me back. Your pictures are amazing and you look gorgeous! i love your blue and white spotty dress! i miss you terrible. love always rammers xxxxxxxxx
hey bab
sorry i missed your call was just going into the hospital for a ckeckup give me a ring again sometime miss ya loads luv lou xxx
Dermot Mcbride
Hey ho, shelly oh ,
Haven't heard from ya in ages, was just having a nosey at your latest pics and I see lots of familiar faces from bev n micks and porterhouse, NIIIIICCCCEEE. It's making me wanna jump on a plane and get right back out der! Oh the memories and the good times! Still happy as in the mornings only der's only me dad der now and not a room full of party go'ers just home! Had a jamie experience last wkd, woo. Anyone for tea? Text or email me if u need me to explain!
Anyhoo, hope to hear from ya soon and if not enjoy u nutter!
Fiona Gilbert
Aunty shlley, my mummy has told me all about you. I can't wait to meet you and hope it is soon.
Fiona Gilbert
Beckie Rudge
Hi mate it was so good to chat to you the other day. Im really happy for you that youve found a decent bruce. All your photos are amazing.( not that i got through them all) Well apart from kaths news and me and ian looking for a house their is no more to tell you.Sorry. Not sure if i told you but were having black bridesmaids dresses. I cant wait. I so know i'll blub like a fool. A big box of kellnex is so guna be needed. well i will love you and leave you. Take care and speak soon. big hugs and kisses.
P.S If you have time can you e mail me, ive just set it up and im a e mail virgin. You could pop my pc cherry.
Hi Yah ShelI decided not to try and paint my wagon, sooooo the wagon is gone,still no mercedes though.Hey ho xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Shelley i miss you i broke up with stiffler 2 months ago and i need to tell you to come home now please....
Hi Shelley!
I don't know if you still remember me but I am the guy who spent almost 2 months with you in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and Malaysia and better known as "The gay lord".... remember now?
I was quiet happy to receive a message from you recently and no doubt, It can be only one girl to do all those "proper crap" things in Australia, it's Shelley. I was looking at your pics and the only one you posted of me is the one of my feet when we were in halong bay and that made me really sad.... I tried to see a picture of this aborigonal guy who is now sharing your life but there is none.
I am still in Thailand and I hope that everything is great for you, will have to go in Australia in February for a wedding in Melbourne, so, who knows...
Take care and miss you.
PS: If you have kids with this new guy from the bush, can you keep one for me?