nice one greek. good to see that winning 50 quid has done nothing for that little anger problem of yours. peace. x
I just won fifty quid.
I'm happy with that.
Thought I'd share.
Stop swearing Shelley.
Stop getting off with pensioners Cara, and don't pretend you're doing it for a "job."
cara, firstly, i dont sound ozzie (although i am swearing a bit more than usual). secondly, i have no intention of coming back to london in the next 6 months at least (and-roz-do washing? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha) and third, snog an old man and i wil NEVER talk to you again. (how much they paying you?) x
oh, did i mention that i still love you?
shellerooner maurooner. i suddenly had a thought that you may have adopted an australian accent. i am now imagining this great hybid imalgamation gloucester/south east london/aussie. oh my god, this could be amazing.i tell you what would also be amazing. seeing you again, and your pink hair and your tiny ears and infact, all of you please. how about this for a deal, if you come back and live in london again, me speirs trixy and leo will all do your washing, washing up and house hold chores for a the idea how much i miss you yet?! love you baby xxx oh, also, igot a job. itv drama with charles dance (this old bloke, incase you don't know) and i have to do a kissing scene with him. HES 65!!!! tell me your thoughts XX
i love you sis
Hello Shelley! Realy nice photo's looks like you are havin a wicked time -Take care wherever you are on this earth :) - Speak soon
luv Critch x
Really?! How queer.... does that mean cancer Kylie has shagged Mick Dundee? You now have my attention............
Jamie Davis
im hard as nails hard well hard
greek, didn't you know, dundee and donovan are the same person. its one of those '80's scams' yes we were all sucked in. i will meet him....i will. x
Whatever Rozzy... I can be proud of both my Greek roots and my English ones. And Hastings RAWKS! so stick that in your pipe and smoke it. You scottish- south-american freaky-beast.
Have you met Crocodile Dundee or Jason Donovan yet Shelley?
errrr.....greek who is in england? You are in hastings. gay. but yes shelley do come back. Australia is not that good. They have massive street crime and underage smoking. Also there are more wild pigs there than human beings. That has got to be a warning. Wild pigs are rubbish.