Shaun on the Road
Hey all. I am updating this website every couple of days it seems. I am really moving, and will continue to do so especially for the month of March, so I will be updating the site often. Got into Rome after a long train trip, but one well worth it. If any of you ever get to take a train from Zurich to the Swiss - Italian border, I would recomend it. Very nice. Spent the night at a hostel and saw some of the sights today, including the Coluseum (sp), the Forum (which is the picture you are looking at right now), and other sights within the old city. So much history crammed into one little spot.
I also had supper with 3 other Canadians, which was really nice. There is such a comminality and unity among foriegn nationals, and Canadians are not exception. I am going with 2 of them on a tour of the Vatican tomorrow. I've heard nothing but positive things about the smallest country in the world, so it should be good. I'm going to sign off now, but I'll keep you posted on my travels. After Rome I go to Florence and area, followed by Venice. Talk to you soon.
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