On to Nara tomorrow thank f***. I will try to think of some nice things to say about Osaka but all I can think of so far is that I spent a day out of the main city in universal studios.
In all fairness I don't think my opinion of the city was helped by the fact my hostel was in a nasty area, but I suppose that's what you get for a tenner a night in japan. My first impression of the city as soon as I got here was not a good one. It is fairly comparable to Hollywood in terms of the amount of homeless and crazies. Although Hollywood wasn't the best looking city, Osaka is hands down 100x uglier. It's the second biggest city in japan next to Tokyo, and I expected big skyscrapers and everything but the entire place is just grey and run down. Also what hasn't helped is the Osakans or whatever they call themselves. In general Japanese people are ridiculously polite, I sometimes expect them to kill themselves samurai style if they can't help me with something, but not all but enough of the Osakans have some horrible habits. Namely clearing there throat out and phelgming in the middle of the street, not nice.
I spent my second day at universal studios which was cool, not a great deal different from the others. There was one weird Japanese style ride about going to the sun and stopping it from blowing up, only humans could do this apparently. Going on that was not a good idea though as it was a coaster that span round. The pre shows were amusing, but a dubbed doc brown did not sound quite right and hearing durassico park wasn't quite the same. The worst thing about the park was that the food was so expensive, even compared to other universals, it was the worst food I have had so far and the least amount of food.
Today I wad obviously extremely tired because I didn't wake up until 1.00pm. It was fine though as it just meant I went to the electrical district rather than in to the main centre too. Maybe if I went to the city centre it would have changed my opinion of Osaka but as it is I'm pleased to leave.
Ohh I have discovered I nice, cheap chain restaurant. I cannot remember what it's called but I just look for the poster of the man with a massive grin holding a bowl of beef. It costs £2 for a medium sized bowl of beef and rice.
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