Little rest stop found for the night, with the most awful toilets I've ever seen. No worries though. up and breakfast and back on the road.
First stop... Australia Zoo :D was such a good day. Watched a croc show, stroked kangaroos and koalas. Also held the tail of a baby croc.
There was Steve Irwin stuff everywhere, which was so nice, made it feel he was still there and apart of it all. Crazy having watched him for years and then being at his zoo. Loved every minute. Note kangaroos are not a fan of selfies. Me and Chels spent ages trying to get a good one with them.
So another short drive and we made it to BRISBANE! Drove in during rush hour traffic which was nice. Headed to some hostels, obviously being a big city no campsites. So we have left Paul for the night and checked into a hostel (Brisbane City Backpackers) - average! Packed up my backpack and got to walk around with it for the first time. It's nice and comfy so thanks Craig :) we made the right choice!
Unpacked, showered and we are heading out for dinner.
- comments
Tim Another fab day there it seems. Better than work eh? Paul??
Sarah Haha all the campers have names on them and ours is called Paul! Only a little bit better than work. Only 5 months more to go hahah!