First day in Cambodia...Getting the hang of this whole top bunk situation, climbing down like a champ now. Went on a tour for the day, was just me and two older men, both travelling alone. We had a tour quide who taught me loads about the Cambodian history. The way he spoke about the civil war was very moving. He spoke about how they were treated like animals and how he lost a lot of his family. He said he was so thankful for us coming to visit his country, which I thought was so sweet of him to say. The drive was amazing, I've honesty never seen such a flat country. But it's also so tropical, lush green fields and palm trees, was a great drive. Eventually came to the Phnom Kulen mountain and drove all the way to the top, where the famous massive lying down buddha is carved into the granite mountain top. Then we walked through some local villages to get to the waterfall. Walking through the villages reminded you of how poor the country is, as some of the main streets are now brimming with posh resorts. Lots of litter and very basic living conditions. The waterfall was the biggest I've seen yet, was busy so didn't go in but just sat and enjoyed the atmosphere. I do love a waterfall.
Hung around the hostel until it was time for some food. Went out for dinner with a Canadian lad from my dorm. We went for a Cambodian BBQ on pub street. Was really nice and enjoyed cooking our own food. Got to try some crocodile and shark, both of which was nice. Bit of a culture shock though as while eating, people with no arms or legs were coming round selling things. It's hard because you literally can't help them all.
It was then finally time to go and pick up my uncle Craig from the airport. Was so good to see him. Dropped his stuff off at his hotel, which included some goodies from mum and dad. Then we went for a quick walk round the town.
We have had a wonderful few days here in Siem Reap. We have been to the floating village Kampong Pluk. That was an mind blowing experience. About 70 families all living in raised houses on the river. There was a school, a monastery, and most kids were running around appearing quite happy. But I guess they don't know any different, but the standard of living looked poor, it was a real eye opener. We stopped at a floating restaurant, where we took a little boat through a flooded forest. That was really eerie, wouldn't have like to have done it in the dark. At one point we had four other boats around our one boat trying to sell us stuff. Then we headed out onto the lake to watch the sunset.
Yesterday we were up at 4:30 to go and watch the sunrise over Angkor Wat. The sunrise wasn't great because of the clouds, but it was a great time of day to go as it was much quieter. I was so impressed with Angkor Wat, you can't even comprehend that humans built it, and how much time and effort went into it. The tiny details on every bit of stone, it was just crazy. Went to a few other temples, included the forest one, where trees and stone had become one. Had a fabulous morning but after a few hours we were done and headed back for a nap. If I had more time here, I would defiantly go back and do more of it. Spent the afternoon getting a manicure and pedicure at an amazing spa called Kaya Spa. Then we went out for a lovely dinner in a tiny quiet street just off pub street.
This morning we went to do the Flight of Gibbon Zip Lining. Was much bigger that the last one, but we were in a much larger group so there was some waiting round. The highest zip line was 45ft and was awesome. We got to actually see a gibbon as well, which was very cool.
Cambodia has been a pleasant surprise. The atmosphere here in Siem Reap is so relaxed and friendly, I have loved every minute here. We are just waiting to get a taxi now to Phnom Penh, Craig doesn't want to do the bus because of not being able to smoke when his wants, which suits me fine. I'm going to chill out for 5 hours and enjoy the ride.
- comments
Tim Sounds absolutely amazing and some awesome photo's. ENJOY X