I spent just over 2 weeks in my beloved queenstown and i love it there soooo much! Its a small splace with an amazing amount to do! Even if you have no money, which i didn't lol, it ios such a buzzy place you will never be bored! The clubs and bars are awesome and always busy, no matter wot the day or occasion! I worked in a hostel for a week before gettin kicked out (visa issue)! So, i met so many people and was gutted to leave them all behind! I also met some friends from home there too, which was a great suprize and really fun! An average day in queenstown for us would be get up at bout 11/12 o'clock has breakfast with the crew! Chilled by the lake and went swimmin or walked around. had lunch at around 6pm. Chilled out for a bit wit every1. My work shift was 9pm til 11, but i always finished by 10.30pm. get ready to go out and go out! have dinner round 3-5am! The famous 'Fergburger' was always my and 100 other ppls choice of dinner lol! Activities wise, i went Rafting, which was really good but unfortunately it hadn't rained in a while so the rapids weren't all that big. Luging, which is like down hill kart racing, megga fun and seriously dangerous! and of course, Bungy Jumping!!! 134m of terror - s*** my pant i did! By far the best place in New Zealand i have been! So, although its all over in queensotwn, i will cherrish the memories in my heart lol! x
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