The trouble with dropping in front of the walkers by bus is the leaders storm past me - not good for the morale and it is a little lonely- so today I am walking first via a wine fountain at a Monastery, and a castle then will try and catch the bus - here's hoping.
Stomped along with Jeff for 3kms then trundled along by myself for the rest - wine fountain dribbled out so if you wanted to fill a bottle would take 1/2 hr. Probably the first time I have drunk wine at 9 in the morning - but fun. I had to ring the Bus Office to order a bus to pick me up from this little town. All the houses closed up in the cold so I knocked on a door to ask where the bus stop is. All a challenge for my Spanish. A man answered the door - interesting to watch his wife come down and override him - what did he know? - all in expressive Spanish. Same all over the world - we women think we know better!
Oh the photo is me with a starter dish of verduras - green veg - it's huge and very yum - just what I needed
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