Ryan Edwards's Travels
Well, after a difficult nights' sleep feeling like death warmed up, feel a bit better today as I set out on a road trip with Craig - roughly a four hour drive to my next stop - a men's retreat near Napier which is a town with lots of beautiful art deco apparently - rebuilt following a severe earthquake in the 1930's. After a road trip kindly supplied by a local kiwi, I have arrived at this lovely retreat to find I am the only one staying! Three days of R and R will do me the world of good I'm sure......
- comments
Roger A 'men's retreat'? What kind of tree-hugging hippy BS is this?!?!
ryanedwards Hehe, did you notice the interestingly shared hedges? It's lovely if lonely lol
Roger Hell's bells, how did I miss THOSE?!?! BTW, have you seen any kiwi birds yet? TRIVIA CORNER: There is a slightly odd connection between where you are and Trafalgar Square, in that Havelock is named after Major General Sir Henry Havelock who helped crush the Indian Mutiny in 1857 and in honour of whom a statue stands on one of the four plinths around Nelson's Column. There should be a Lucknow Street in Havelock - it's named after the besieged Indian town Havelock's forces relieved in 1857.
ryanedwards Erm but what's the connection between the Major's activities in India with New Zealand?
Roger Apparently it was the habit of the people in that region to name new towns after prominent figures in British India at the time. I have no idea why...