i'm having terrible luck today. so since we had nothing to do today, the girls decided it was time to go riding again. so they get their horses saddled up, and then leave me in the barn. alone... where it's dark, and cold... nah i'm kidding. they did leave me thoug, so i was trying to saddle my horse when he shook off the saddle (it wasn't attached yet). so grrr. so i yank the sadddle back on then begin to lead him out to the front yard so my aunt can do it correctly. second his whole body is out of the barn, plop goes the saddle. seeth... put it back on and walk him to the front yard. mind you, saddles are heavy. and you have to make sure that everything is out of the way on the left side so you can swing it over, it's a very annoying process. so we get to the front yard without it falling of so i tell him to stop, he stops to abruptley, and down goes the saddle. curse that saddle. i dislike that saddle. i angrily haul that saddle on and then it's crooked so i have to take it off then put it back on straight. so my aunt finally get's the saddle on and we ride into the hay field which was cut and now, is just, the used to be hay field. my horse also really dosen't like me. he's also compettitive. so after riding around for a while, jessie goes down the road that leads back to the house, and colonel decides that he loves major to much to be apart from him. so he takes of lopeing, i'm probab;y breaking his jaw pulling back on the reins, but he only goes faster. up comes a puddle, and jump goes colonel, and my thumb gets pushed all the way back because i was holding onto the saddle horn.
i go ouch. big, big, big, ouch.
i'm ticked at my horse, five minutese later, in goes colonel with dirty looks and dirty words from me. my thumb still hurts. i either dislocated it or something else, i don't really remember. oh yea, it either dis located, or poped out. ew right?
so i go inside, grab a boo boo buddy and a ice pop and go to my room. i lay down, finish my popsicle, then fall asleep. two hours later, i get up, eat the first corn dog in my life, eat another muffin, then go back to bed. at three, about three hours later, i wake up and finally get my moms letter, thank you mother. i fall back a sleep. i sleep for 45 more minutes then wake up to jessie giving me rasberries. thank you jessie. i decide it's time to go running around krissys house for exccersize, and five steps out the door, i step on a bee. stinger up.
the world is so out to get me.
i hobble back and get the boo boo buddy again, and then start to update this blog. i'm maybe five sentences through when my uncle comes up and says i killed one of his buddies. i'm going what the heck, and then he reminds me that i steped on a bee, and he owns bee hives. so i'm in trouble. after about five minutes of giving me a hard time about his bee, he tazers me i fall off the bench i was sitting on and land on my butt HARD.
not even going to comment on that.
we go to play snitch. i win! yay for me, the family hates me. and now, half an hour late, we were suppposed to have people over at 6:30, it is now, 6:57.
wondering if the coyotes ate them.
well, seeing as they have 9 kids, i can feesibly see the reason for the delay.
i'll update later
hasta luego people,
TAP, Teresa
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