Alright, so my first day wasn't bad. i never got car sick, and the whole eight hours of driving wasn't bad. Like, at all. this morning, my mom had to use her cell phone from four years ago because she accidentally put her good phone into the washing machine. yea so she wasn't to happy about that. well we left two hours later than we had origionally planned because of my moms phone mishap. we also forgot about some milk that's still in the fridge. that's gunna be nasty. so anyhoo, today i read alot, i'm reading this fabulous book by John Grisham called The Firm and i LOVE IT. anyways, sorry for rambling about my book moving on;
we saw Meteor Crater today and that was pretty cool, we spent about 45 minutes there before hitting the road again. we stopped for dinner at the 'WOW' diner where they had huge porportionss of food that was so darn good, unhealthy, greasy, and fattning, but mostly good. we finally made it to our hotel about a quarter past midnight and i am about to pass out so i just wanted to let all you guys know that we made it safe and sound and without too many problems.
hasta luego,
TAP, Teresa
P.S. sorry i don't have any pics up yet, i took pictures with my moms camera and the thingy that connects her camera to her computer is out in the car with the huge lugage and we didn't feel like gatting it out, so hopefully by tomarrow i'll have pictures up.
- comments
Stephanie At least you still have your phone!
Aeliana :) hahaha the p.s. sounds ALOT like me ----- exceptt that happens to just about anything i admit it IM LAZY! you and me aeliana! we r two peas of a pod! Teresa