i find it totally ironic, that the minute i was done updating yesterday, things begin too get interesting. so i finish updating, and am called to make home made tortillas, my job was to use a tortilla press to scuash the balls of dough flat. the press dosen't work as well as it should. but anyways, me and Krissy are in the mud room talking and cooking tortillas, which actually turned out pretty good. after we were done we ate dinner which was a very familiar dinner to me! it was green chile mole! along with sweet potato puree, which kinda threw off the spanish thing but it was still good. not quite as good as Vegas but still, sweet potato puree is still sweet potato puree. so after dinner, me and Krissy ran out side to play badmitton and burn off a portion of dinner. eventually the girls came out and we all played. sure badmitton was fun but i got to see something that city girls such as myself, usually don't tend to see.
i learned how cows make love.
the hills have a bull that was supposed to get Josephine the milk cow pregnant, which i think he did earlier, but after about a week, he got bored with joe and moved onto Cinco, the biggest female cows i've seen yet. she has five udders instead of four, hence the name cinco. but anyhoo, she's gunna be burgers and steaks later on but she is big, like, big. i'm not quite sure how big but big. and Mr. Miller, the bull, is kind of a smallish bull. so i'm guessing he was oone of those guys who is entertained with a challenge. those two cows kept me, Jess, Krissy and sometimes Morgan entertaiined for a good 45 minutes until they realizewd we were watching and decided to cool it. lol, along with learning how cows make love, the girls supplied me with a helathy amount of the male cow anatomy. i could go on, but i won't. you get the picture. we also saw a buck (deer) wit an incredibly huge rack (horns) like, a meter tall. see? i have an example this time. rasberrys are beginning to get ripe
HAPPINES!!!!!!!!! :D!!!!!!!!
i love their rasberries, but apparently, so do they, so i don't get to many,
this morning, the eggs they've been incubating began to hatch, so they're little things about the size of my pinky. so cute!
went to vbs ain today and will be until after friday.
just letting you know.
well i'm gunna go, hope i made you laugh, and remember,
hasta luegp people
TAP, Teresa
- comments
Nana I don't think anything at Pop and Nana's will begin to compare to your experiences on the farm. { : don't knock it till you try it darling! Teresa
Mama Wow - what a learning experience! So you are getting some science/zoology lessons while you are there. Very interesting...... You made me laugh - I had to share with my roomate. ;-)