Man, what a day.
last night both me and my mother had a horrible time falling asleep and an easy time wakipng up. hopfully tonight that'll be different. as soon as i got up, i took back my old chore of feeding the chickens. while walking back and forth between the chicken coop and the buckets that held the feed, i admired the beautiful scenery and found some of the new additions to their farm, like Jessies rabbit hutches and the fence around the chicken area. i also was supposed to collect eggs, but found only one egg. so i was like oh well and walked out of the coop. between the coop and the gate there is a creek with a piece of wood that goes across it. now since i was here, they put a cement covering over the creek that you are supposed to walk on but the board was closer and it was so sturdy last summer so surely it woould still be sturdy now right?
the board flipped over i fell into the river and crushed the only egg that i had found. my morning was not off to a good start. i threw the remainder of the egg into the creek and walked back to the house. my conscience was whispering "egg killer, egg killer..." to me the whole walk back. i was dissapointed in myself. so after chores, Auntie Ree made really, really, really good cinammon roles for breakfast. yummy. absolutely yummy. so after breakfast the three of us went out to the back porch and talked. i was introduced to sam the kitten and a nameless bunny who was absolutely adorable (there are pics of both in my photo album) after chatting on the porch for a wile, i went to visit the horses. my two cousins horses were out in the field but my horse and my buddy george were in the barn. i said hi to both and then patted them and rubbed them. i went into colonels stall and found him very dirty. well we couldn't have that for the pictures! i found the brushes and brushed him down until he went from brown and gray back to white with gray spots, the way he's supposed to be. i was proud of myself but i don't think either of the horses remembered me from last year. that made me sad. anyhoo, after brushing colonel, ALLERGY SYMPTOMS!!!!! that darn clariton so dosen't work as well as it says it dose. false advertising in two areas, it only lasts for about three hours instead of twelve and is very weak and dosen't cover touching and skin itches stuff like that, so i came back inside went up to my bed and completely crashed. like, two seconds and i was gone. well, there's your third area, clariton makes you drowsy.
i woke up later and had lunch then went back and forth between seeing the horses and playing with the kitties and reading.
in the late afternoon, Auntie Ree pulled out scrabble for the three of us to play;
i lost.
then we went outside to play badmitton and botchy balls. it's a game, i swear. i am now inside waiting for my turn to take a shower which is needed pretty badly and i appologize for this entry being so long, but you know, whatcha gunna do.
oh yea i forgot, my two cousins, half cousin and uncle are up camping in west virginia till tomarrow night, just incase you were wondering.
Hasta luego people,
TAP, Teresa
- comments
Nana Tomorrow will be a better day. At least I wasn't there to take your picture in the creek. Love, Nana
Miss Marcia Teresa . . . I almost felt like I was with you after reading your blog. Have fun and keep writing . . . fun post. Ms Marcia
Stephanie It's better then LOBSTER KILLER haha :D