We left home on Tuesday 11th June. Halfway down Bayly St we had to turn back to pick up some Anderson plugs Ross had left on the bench. After this we finally got on the road and headed up Kidman Way to Naranderra where we free camped at the tower of the Old brewery Lincoln Oaklands. The camping is around an old oval with plenty of room for everyone. After a good night's sleep Ross went to open the van door but we were locked in. The lock was stuck. After lots of wiggling and jiggling he finally got it open. He spent the next hour or so with the lock pulled apart. It was full of dirt. cleaning did the trick and after putting all the pieces back together we left Naranderra and several hours later we got to Hillston. The weather looked about to turn nasty so we headed up a road labelled Golf Club and camped on the gravel outside the club. It poured all night long and the dripping from the trees above did not help sleep. You wouldn't want to know, when Ross tried to open the caravan boot the lock was stuck. About an hour or more trying to figure out how to get it open he finally managed it with no damage to the boot. Another shutdown on the lock and we were off again on the way to Cobar. Then back of Bourke and after that Cunnamulla where we stayed for two days to catch up with washing and just a break. For photos - nothing much has changed in the towns we have been to so far. Check out the photos taken several years ago. Today we are at Morven on the Warrago Hwy which is $5.00 a night.
- comments
Bruce Looks like the CRC needed to come out prior to leaving. Add to check list for next time. lol
Wendy and Norm It all adds to the fun of being on the road. Relax and enjoy. Cheers Wendy and Norm
Peter McGaw Rosco, I know your warranty period would be the same as when I worked with you. Tail light warranty? when you can no longer see the tail lights your warranty is finished. Cheers Peter. We will be at 1770 all of August.
Gabby Graham Hi Peter Unfortunately the tail light warranty is very much up the road and over the hill. Repairs rely very much on Roscoe's expertise and ingenuity. with Gabby as supervisor.