hope this is the first happy birthday you get lovely . have a great day .its 10 past 10 pm here sat night ,but i will be thinking of you allday sunday hoping you have the best and craziest fantasic day ever HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHINING STAR love you always mummmmmmmy
oh rosie you really cheer me up .after the week ive just had , thankfully its fri night and ive got 2 days off.... YOU ARE IN THE ONE PLACE IVE ALWAYS WANTED to go to ,so please live that dream 4 me and enjoy it whilst you are there.im so jealous .well done for remembering joes b day .i was going to go to his tonight for a takeaway with josh suzi and ray etc but am too knackererd,as you can tell by my spelling so take good care love and see your birthday in in style under those stars . love mummmmm
Steve & Ron
Hi Poppet, just to say that the photos' look "amazing...ya know!!!CRIKEEEEY!!! I bet it really is a cultural shock as the other places ( not all of them ), were quite scary...and let us all hope that you are not bitten by the creepy crawlies & no more bedbugs bed-bugs ...ever!!! I will wll be back on June 5th and =5th..and we are still up because it is a 5 am. check in at Exeter. We are like a couple of teenagers all packed and ready to go and I really..am scared now, first time for both of us alone for such along time. Aur Revoir Sweethart and ....the shilling our that you are doing wiil soon make you realise that this World is a beautilful place - STRIVE to be at one with yourself, becuase you look fab, how much browner can one get? Poppet, you are half way - to where you want to be...so please..no bungee jumping, remembering what you were like in Florida, we may as well - keep quiet, because we know that Rosie will always do..tooo much ( and she will always do what she wants to do).. We are now driving ( well , in ten mins., to the Airport at Exeter, OUR LOCAL ONE! Then take off at 7am. ( ish) Jue is lovely company and yep we'll have a really good laugh...although saying that she has a lovely laugh and that is very worthwhile and good to go on holiday with, we have done the last 3 Cruises with them and Judy said she would get on at Suthampton,,,up the gangplank she went..but as soon s the Champers came around, she forget that was was sailing into the midle of the Ocean....WE ALL 4 ABSOUTELY LOVE EVERY LITLE PLACE WE STOP OFF IN WITH OUR PACKED LUNCHES AND END UP SITTIN UNDER THE STARS ON BOARS DECK...WONDERING...HOW THAT THIS BEAUTIFUL WORLD, CAN BE RICH IN HEALT ETC ., THEN THE THIRD WORLD HAVE NOTHING, AS YOU KNOW ONLY TO WELL...GOD BLESS YOU SWEET-HEART, SPEAK SOON AND STEVE WILL BE HEREAT ABOUT 8PM - MORE LIKE PM. BECAUSE OF THE OUTAGE/SHUT DOWN....LOVE YOU OODLES , BUT MOST OF ALL N O O D L E S...YEY FOR THE NOODLES FROM SINGAPORE TO SHEFFIELD! Sorry about spelling mistakes, but we decided not to go to bed and we are all feeling c r - p cos it is 3.30 and time to go and get out clothes on and take of our P.J.s..Hey ho for s all going on Hols..I hope that Mum enjoyed her holiday with Kathy, nice to think that Josh and Suz went to see Unlce Ray & Liz, I would LOVE to live there!!!
Ray And Liz
Hi Rosie,
So its onto the Bush-Tucker and all those lovely Witchita Grubs you lucky thing.
As agreeing with everyone, you're looking really well inspite of being on the road now for nearly three months and without your creature comforts - respect.
Our current two day heatwave hit the staggering heights of 20C here in Cornwall over the Bank Holiday and everyone has overnight gone from white to pink.They're already blasting the airwaves with Mellenoma scares - can you believe it?
We've just had a lovely weekend with Josh and Suz who are thinking of you. We took a boat trip out of St. Ives for a couple of miles to Seal Island to say hello to all the creatures. One does wonder what must be going through their minds as the next boat arrives out of nowhere with strangers all pointing laughing and taking photos. Back in dock we had a lie on the beach for a couple of hours - Josh fell asleep, he's been working quite hard at work. He phoned Joe in Monaco there for the Grande Prix again - the Frome Flyer won - last year Hamilton this year Button how does he know?
Anyway Pet, tea's up so we're signing off. Have a lovely week.
Be seeing yah. xxxx
Hi Rosie,
That was a lovely surprise getting a phone call from you. I am pleased you are in Aussy now you are doing so well getting about the world ans making friends as you go.
I wish you a very Happy Birthday Rosie, i am sure you will have someone to celebrate with, I will drink a toast to you.
Take care Rosie and keep in touch.
Lots of love Bettyxxw
just going to pick some rosies from the garden .they will smell sweet and bring back memories of you nearly 25 years ago : love you mummmmm
Ronnie & Gum - Gum
"A M A Z I N G " ! ! !!!! FULL STOP! xx
hell yeah we're still reading your blog!! and its never boring posie.
love ya xxx
Gum-Gum & Ronnie
Hi there in Oz! Brrrrrr must be cold for you! It is strange to think of you when we go to sleep, knowing that it is already the next day for you - 10 hours ahead ( I think)? Please stay WELL in Oz! I know you wll have a great time! Take good care of yourself and hope that you have nearly got over your tiredness & your jet-lag! Every day for you is another step forward to healing your ( loving ) HEART. We love you so much. P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MUM!!! Of course, that is now a day later for you!!!xxx
Hi Rosie
Long time no speak.
Missing you!
Have fun in oz. If you go to whitsundays take to boat trip. was amazing!!
Anyway have to run, joe's poorly
i've just caught up on your blog, i had about 3 weeks to catch up on. all still sounds amzing, i cant believe they keep cats in the fridge, that is funniest thing ever. and your eating cheese!!!!! you can have pizza with the rest of 315 on your return. love you lots and lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi beautiful star .You are looking much better now ,lovely photos of you with that pussie! just catching up with your blog . back from holiday with kathy ...lovely cristal clear water and secluded white sandy coves and beaches. wont embarass you by saying i went skinny dipping . it was lovely and hot and weve come home tanned. but as its cold wet and windy here cant show it off . definately thinking of emigrating just for the laid back way of life and the way the locals embrace you ... just shows what a rat race we are caught up in .J J G Kathy and Anne ,Christine ,poppy etc send there love ,from rip off britain .speak soon love you mummmmmmy