Hi Rosie, sounds like a marvellous adventure. I've just got back from a week in Spain visiting Madre, off to Cornwall now to see my mate Sutton. Will catch up at Jennys when I get back. Muchos besos. Frank.
Uncle Gum & Aunty Ronnie
YEY! You have had your wonderful 6 months touring aound some of the most beautiful places - and most of us are all envious!!!! From the little orphanage in Singburi - where you did your teaching - and a very strange little DANCE to keep us all amused too! To a Hospital - in the safe hands of Dr. Viet and the giggly little, lovely nurses - you had Pleurisy - poor little Ro Po...but heck that was bad enough - and yep! - you worried Mum and everyone who loves you...Did that STOP you from doing other STUFF? No way! - on your 25th Birthday - you JUMPED OUT OF A PLANE - even having a SMILE on the way down - for Mum - yikes!!! I blame Joe - he said it was a great experience and YOU should do it....yea right!!! Obviously Joe took out insurance - - - just incase you did'nt make it!!! Bless you all 4 children of Mum's - and all your friends & family that kept their fingers crossed that you would actually survive, the 6 months of Rosies Round the World Ramble, after all the Bumps and Bruises from the many activities that you decided to partake in!!! As for the flippen mossies - I really felt for you there! I hate them and they love me - as well! Well, you are in the air as I type this to you and we know , that you will be SNORING by now and probably for the next week or so....but as long as you arrive back to us - safely and in good health - - in this chilly old U.K....then that is all want. So until we see you for the first time in 6 months.... may we just say A BIG THANKYOU - for giving all of US, a little piece of- "YOU" online and we feel we have been on a bit of your journey with you -- with all the beautiful photographs, excellent & at times, really amusing blog updates! We have missed you sweet-heart and so have the rest of the family - so God Bless You and take good care on the journey back to the U.K.
P.S. I have ordered some late Summer Sunshine for your home-coming..fingers crossed!
Hi Rosie, just wishing you a safe journey home after all of your adventures. Take care and I will see you soon. Love Janice x
Fellow Genius
y hello there schwester. been reading your blog today. all the pics are so beautiful! really looking forward to seeing you! hope u have a brilliant tme in LA. im so jealous that ur going there! if u see any celebs get an autograph!!! hope ur have safe journeies around. love u georgie porgie x x x x x x x x
Looking forward to seeing you soon and listening to all your adventures. The chocoloate is ready and waiting in my fridge, so give me a tinkle as soon as the jet lag has worn off.
Have a great time in Vegas Baby! Safe trip back xx
hi love . well just over a week till we see you again , cant wait love mummmmmmmmmy
Steve & Ron
Dearest Rosie - We love you and are so very PROUD of all the new things that you have taken on in the last 6 months - you know we are here if you want us. We go on our hols tomorrow ( Birhtday girl - 21 again ) and our 2 "old" puppies aged 13..have their babysitters - so all is well here Sweet-heart! Just ENJOY your time in L.A. and please DRIVE carefully!
May God Bless You and keep you safe - healthy - and happy and can hardly wait for that CUDDLE. x x x x Go Girl - love from Uncle Gum - Gum, Aunty Ronnie , Charlie boy and Lidly Lily - who still rules the roost!!!xxxx.
Ray And Liz
Hi Rosie,
Sorry for break in transmission as computer has been to the tech hospital; don't think the surgery has done any good. Realize your whistle-stop tour of NZ has been somewhat underdone probably as a result of the time of year. If you do want a trip whilst your in North Island then the Bay of Islands further north is nice but you would need the weather to enjoy it at its best. Not long now and you'll be winging it back. Perhaps you could do a tour consultants job or something when you return though I expect you'll be wanting to find some sort of normality...
Doing lots of jobs around house and garden still, not much college work; everytime get my head into some stuff something else needs attention. Can't wait to get back to college for a rest.
Joe phone last weekend when he was down in Cornwall but sadly I was working so we couldn't meet up.
Fortieth anniversary for Woodstock today so all us aging hippies can watch it on TV tonight - aaahhhh.....!
Take care xxx
Still jealous, specially now you've gone skiing. I'll be doin some of that next year. x
Hi Rosie.
It was great to catch up on all the lovely pictures and newsy letters you post on pc, you seem to have had a wonderful time on your travels.it will be hard for you to settle down once you get back. Our weather here is still pretty awful, yesterday I was sitting out in the back garden sunning myself a nd today it has poured since I got up.
Take care.
Love Bettyxx
Hi rosie so glad you went skiing its amazing. its the best thing ever! you can be my ski chum. DO a ski season for me, its the one thing i would have loved to have done!
Anyway good book... just read it in a couple of days couldn't put it down. the kommandants girl by pam jenoff. its got history, drama, bit of love and passion adn some good old fashion girl power! have fun
Hi Rosie, cant wait to hear how you got on skiing, it sounds to energetic for me. Look forward to seeing the photographs. Wont be long now until you are back on UK soil. I am not wishing your holiday away but it will be so good to see you. Love Janice