wow you show off !!!!! so so jealous what fun youve had .you look just like a seal with a blonde head .Flipper will never seem the same again .Hope your injuries and bruises clear up quickly ..Just listening to Queen now you can either have Another one bites the dust, or perhaps Dont stop me now or i,m going slightly mad or perhaps fat bottomed girls no better not go there... I think iwill just say FLASH AAAAHHHA........LOVE YOU PLAITSXXXXXXX pseverything ok this end
hi love , well come on lets hear from you .Its been 6 days since your last blog ... should be back to work next week so write some funny things that i can tell my friends again . your adventures must be known by most of the countries now , so keep you mummmmmy
Joe Smo
Hey Sis
Looks like your having fun - know what you mean about the adverts on tv - shocking!
Make sure you hire a wet-suit for surfing i can remember the sea being very cold! Maybe when you leave Aus and look back you will remember the good parts only - however NZ im sure you will like - i hear the south island is the place to be a mate of mine spent 3 months there and said he would go back in a flash. Nothing really to report my end - shame old shame old (work, eat, beer, sleep - a little older & a little bolder)
Stay safe x
well lee would probably prefer portishead carnival the highlight of our summer! perhaps he would be more at home on the roundabouts and tea cups !!! . i remember taking you all to the lake grounds to go on the floats when you were at highdown .... i must dig out some of the photos and put them on facebook , you all looked so angellic then ! dont know what happened but the carnival has never been the same since ..... and didn;t the sun always shine on carnival day ? well its cloudy and cool today ,still we are still being promised a good summer ,just waiting 4 it to begin.lovely speaking to you just now and hope you enjoy the surfing ,sounds excellent value ,so stock up at the buffets and enjoy the experience look after each other and ill buy the paint ready for georges room ! love you mum x
Steve & Ron
Awesome, it all looks beautiful Rosie. Wish we had the same opportunities at 25! We used to go to Bristol Zoo with Steve's sis, your hairdresser - she was 6 then! When you see her next, ask her what happened to her, when we took her to that zoo!!! Very amusing for everyone but Nic!! I think that we even had to catch the bus there - no car! Yep, we were young and skint - - ! Your photo's are excellent Poppet and I expect you will have alot of your friends asking you to put a cuddly koala bear in your back-pack?
Today, here too we have lovely blue skies and sunshine ( bit hot for our babes )! I will just apologise again for sending my previous message ( TWICE )!Still only I could do that!!!! Hub, says hi to you - from work...and about time you did some - ha ha! Keep on writing your Diary - we love reading them and one day you will have a Novel! I started to keep one when I was 23 so I have had a good old trip down memory lane with the 34, that are written! Steve says he CANNOT be that old....ah..bless him, he has a few grey hairs creeping in now but otherwise he is the same young man he was at 22, YEP he is my young dude! Must go and watch TENNIS....YEY! Au Revoir Sweet-heart. Stay well & safe & warm. xxxx from P. G. and you know that we both love you, so night night - and tonight those bed bugs WON'T bite!
hi dairylee , have you had any vegi mite yet you either like cheese love or you hate it ,now come on make your mind up.....did i tell you the boys ,as usual with a great deal of thought bought me a coffin for my birthday ? they are going to put it in the front garden with a headstone and my name on and just leave the dates off .its eco friendly made of wood and totally biodegradable,! well im going to plant garlic in it to ward off evil spirits and that includes your brothers, and roses tomake my decomposing body smell sweet. like you and then i ll have toput some daisies in for georgina daisy ,So there i think ive thought of all of you !!!!oh and of course some poppies for poppy if anyone else reads this its all in code i am really sane but barrow gurney is not far away .keep on trucking love . back to work next week have obviously too much time on my hands to write all this you mummmmmy
Gum & Ron
Hi Poppet, you are so lucky to be able to cuddle a koala, the picture will be no doubt one to frame for the future. Perhaps you should open a gallery somewhere! They are all so good and we shall find a space above the fireplace to put you and your furry friends, dont forget the cute wallabies! You must be absolutely shattered driving all that way and I am glad it was'nt us old's,( as Joe calls us - grrr - ) on that 4 x 4 with 40 others - I'd have had to have driven.....ha ha- hate sitting in any passenger seat as you know! I expect it felt quite sad to see the camper-van go but never mind - all part of the experience of Rosie's Round the World Ramble! Last year we saw the dolphins swimming by our little boat we were on and I thought the ship was going to down!! Everyone went berserk, with that, so Heaven knows what it would have been like if they saw hump-backed whales etc., All sounds "amazing"- ya know? Love you Poppet, keep on wearing us all out by your fantastic trip to -"EVERYWHERE"! Lay off the cheese a bit - too high in cholesterol and if you are still getting into it in a big way, well - out comes the STRONGEST STILTON when we both see you next. You know, you will get force- fed!
Enjoy yourself, whatever you do, keep warm, wear thick wooly socks to bed - cos if your feet are cold you'll never get to sleep. Au Revoir Sweet-Heart.xx
Gum is still down his reactor!!! Will he ever come out - he has'nt had a day off for 13 days ( then only because - it is a law)! He mowed the DOG's garden and then we went out for some nosh and he is back for another 13 now....Such a good boy! - He cannot receive texts at work - so he only switches moby on in the car park and they don't like you doing that...and when there are guards with machine guns standing have to be a bit careful!!! ( They are very hot on everything - SECURITY - to get in there - is unbelievable and Unc has worked with the same Company for 41 years! Hey ho - everyone is very safe - but Jean who lives 3 miles away from the Station was handed out Iodine tablets as soon as she moved into to her Home and she had a wobbly fit!!! Never did find out what she said to them - but she feels safer there now - cannot believe she has been here for over 3 years! She always asks, where are you now and what do you look like, so I took down some photos that I printed off, she thinks, like everyone else...yea- you are so cute with the wallabies...CANNOT wait for the pics of ZOO trip... send some soonest - over & OUT! x x x from us 3 ere' in Perry Green, with the cows next door making an absolute racket at the mo...ha ha ha ...keep on truckin Rosie..I bet you'd like to drive my truck when you get back home - well NO!x tee hee! Love ya!
Gum & Ron
Hi Poppet, you are so lucky to be able to cuddle a koala, the picture will be no doubt one to frame for the future. Perhaps you should open a gallery somewhere! They are all so good and we shall find a space above the fireplace to put you and your furry friends, dont forget the cute wallabies! You must be absolutely shattered driving all that way and I am glad it was'nt us old's,( as Joe calls us - grrr - ) on that 4 x 4 with 40 others - I'd have had to have driven.....ha ha- hate sitting in any passenger seat as you know! I expect it felt quite sad to see the camper-van go but never mind - all part of the experience of Rosie's Round the World Ramble! Last year we saw the dolphins swimming by our little boat we were on and I thought the ship was going to down!! Everyone went berserk, with that, so Heaven knows what it would have been like if they saw hump-backed whales etc., All sounds "amazing"- ya know? Love you Poppet, keep on wearing us all out by your fantastic trip to -"EVERYWHERE"! Lay off the cheese a bit - too high in cholesterol and if you are still getting into it in a big way, well - out comes the STRONGEST STILTON when we both see you next. You know, you will get force- fed!
Enjoy yourself, whatever you do, keep warm, wear thick wooly socks to bed - cos if your feet are cold you'll never get to sleep. Au Revoir Sweet-Heart.xx
Gum is still down his reactor!!! Will he ever come out - he has'nt had a day off for 13 days ( then only because - it is a law)! He mowed the DOG's garden and then we went out for some nosh and he is back for another 13 now....Such a good boy! - He cannot receive texts at work - so he only switches moby on in the car park and they don't like you doing that...and when there are guards with machine guns standing have to be a bit careful!!! ( They are very hot on everything - SECURITY - to get in there - is unbelievable and Unc has worked with the same Company for 41 years! Hey ho - everyone is very safe - but Jean who lives 3 miles away from the Station was handed out Iodine tablets as soon as she moved into to her Home and she had a wobbly fit!!! Never did find out what she said to them - but she feels safer there now - cannot believe she has been here for over 3 years! She always asks, where are you now and what do you look like, so I took down some photos that I printed off, she thinks, like everyone else...yea- you are so cute with the wallabies...CANNOT wait for the pics of ZOO trip... send some soonest - over & OUT! x x x from us 3 ere' in Perry Green, with the cows next door making an absolute racket at the mo...ha ha ha ...keep on truckin Rosie..I bet you'd like to drive my truck when you get back home - well NO!x tee hee! Love ya!
Go for it girl !! I am very jealous, and feel very under travelled. One day I will get off my fat arse and do something similar (The Skydiving looked absolutely awesome : ) . All quiet here in sunny Posset. x. Frankie.
Ro Ro! Well done you! You are v brave. We are loving the skydive photos! Just remember that I put my foot down at the bungee jumps!
I can never take you to Airkix now - it will seem sooooo tame, I bet!
Speak soon xxxxx
wow .you crazy star.what superb photos .you really know how to scare us all and to scare yourself .i am so jealous... i might just get on the next plane to aus or thyiland ...lovely talking to you again .Brisbane should be more fun and the trip tomorrow to sandy island in a 4 wheeler will be a ball . dont do any of the driving lee . no more speeding fines if you need a bit of money just to get by i can get that sent to you imediately so dont worry about that .little miss independent !Lovely to see you smiling all the time kepp on having the time of yor life . James bond says you only live twice enjoy this one but save a bit of the next one for us that havnt lived yet love you so much little miss sunshine muuuuuummmmmy xxxxx
Hi Rosie, just been looking at your photo's and catching up with the blog. I bet the sky diving was amazing, I would so love to do it one day! Just seen the camper for the first time. I have been imagining you in a proper VW camper traving the outback, but then i saw the nice green and pink toyota! Um very nice! Anyway its good to see you still have that great smile in all you photo's. I better get back to my revision, 3 weeks to my finals. Hope to speak soon, Take care and keep enjoying it! love Lukey x