Well firstly i would like to say thank you to you all for your coments on my blog. i love reading them and they really cheer me up. i really do miss you all so to hear from you really helps me. thanks to Ray and Liz for their update on UK current affairs, i have no idea what is going on out here. Jacqui Smiths husband with naughty movies eh? That really made me laugh. glad i am not in the uk because her whiney voice would get on my nerves as she tries to wiggle her way out of it. ha ha.
So my biggest thing at the moment is that i am extremely pissed off. basically my stupid stupid (if mum you werent reading this i would be swearing so much more) camera is causing me no end of problems, and i have no idea how to sort it. basically my memory card for my camera and my 16gb memory stick have both got a virus, and has wiped all of my photos i have taken so far. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. they are all gone. to say that i am gutted doesnt quite cut it, as i have lost all my photos. i didnt even think memory cards could get viruses. Luckily i had uploaded most of them onto my blog, although none of the ones i had taken in Saigon (i had some brilliant videos of me trying to cross a road). they are also not full quality images on the blog. The folders are still showing on my memory card and memory stick, but it just says they only hold 200kb of info, and i know i had 4gb on there, and it wont let me open the files to view it. So now dont know what to do. my friend julia kindly tried to open the files on her laptop, only for it to pass the virus onto her laptop (which she is not very happy about) so i a) dont know how to retreive the photos i have already taken (i think they are all gone though), and b)know if i buy a new memory card if my camera will pass the virsu to that too. i cant even delete any of the files on the memory card so that i can take more pictures. I am tempted to buy a brand new camera (because the one i have is rubbish anyway, and can only format 1gb or any meomry card which sucks) and new memory cards and a memory strick, but cameras and memroy cards are actually more expensive out here than at home, so i will end up spending alot of money. Can anyone help me? I have no idea and am so stressed that i have lost the pictures i have already taken and now cant even take any pictures at all. If anyone has any advice please can you email me to my hotmail address? THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Yesterday Julia and I took a trip to the Mekong Delta. WE saw coconut candy being made (yes, of course i bought some), saw snake wine (with a dead bird in the bottle, that was actually supposed to be there. No i didnt buy any of that one). WE took a boat trip on the delta and we then took some bycycles and rode off around on e of the islands on our own, which was really nice, i have missed being on a bicycle. I had no breaks or gears ,but it was fine. It is funny becasue the local children come out to stare at you because we are white, and they come over to touch our skin, then run away all shy. Then last night we got on a sleeper bus to Nha Trang, a coastal town about 10 hours north of Saigon. IT was a very bazaar arrangement, you are on a bus with seats that ye about 3 quarters flat. i was actaully so uncomfortable i hardly slept at all. which surprised me beacuse since i have been away i have learned to sleep pretty much anywhere, and anyone that knows me know that i am a nightmare at trying to sleep. So 6am we aarrived here and found a hotel. we vowed to only sleep until 9am so we could get up and make themost of our day. however at 1pm we finally got up to find it pouring with rain. The town is beautiful with gorgeous isalnds in the sea, which you can sail to or get a cable car to. i have also enquired about learning to dive here, as it is cheaper than thailand or australia, but not sure yet.i will have to lie on my medical form to say that i have never fainted or had asthma, otherwise i wont be aloud to do it. So i think i am going to be doing some diving or at least snorkelling here, there are also some mud mineral baths and a lovely beach, so might be here for a little while. It really is very beautiful.
BTW, in Cambodia i was reading a book called 'First they killed my father' which is about the war in cambodia. well worth a read if you want to learn more about it george. A very good book . all the books out here are copies so are pretty cheap.
Anyway, that is it for today, Julia and i are going to watch some movies on her laptop now (if the virus hasnt completly destroyed it), and our room is clean and has aircon, so i am very happy.
Agian, if anyone has any advice for my camera/memory card situation please please do get in touch.
Ciao for now.
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