Sawadee Ka!
I got back to Hanoi after my boat trip on Sunday, and it was nice to be back in the city. I went to see a water puttetry show in the evening, which was really beautiful, altough 'm not really sure how to describe it, puppets in water i suppose! i took some pictures but they didnt come out that well. I the next day i spent the day just milling around HAnoi, a city that i really liked, really bustling with crowded streets and lots of intersting street food to be had. I also sent home 7kgs of stuff that i had bought since i go here! I hope it all gets home ok! Monday evening i flew back to bangkok (for the third time in my trip) top get a bus down to the south. I met up with my frined Lee, who i met at uni (for those of you that dont know) who was already in BK. It was really nice to see a friendly face, considering i havent seen anyone i know for 2 months now! Tuesday we went to the grand palace and Wat Po, which i really enjoyed seeing again. Wednesday we went to MBK, the big shopping centre here, and i got to go on the sky train, which i really wanted to go to last time but never got the opportunity. it actaully wasnt that impressive, but it was called a sky train, so i had to go on it. it does actually ride through the sky! Cool. anyway, i decided to buy myself a new camera. my old one has been on the way out for a while now and when i turn it on it takes ages to turn on, and some tiems it doenst turn on at all, so i decided i was just going to spend the money abd buy one for it completely dies somehwere i cant get a camera. I am really chuffed with my new camera, it is so much better than my old one, i just wish i had come out with it as i would have such better pictures.
So tongiht we are booked on a bus to go to Ko Tao, an island in the indian ocean in the south of Thailand. I have also decided to change my flight, as my flight was due to fly out of singapore on the 27th, and sicne i am still in BK i think i am unlikely to make it. i really want to see the southern isalnds, and i think i will feel i have missed out if i dont get to see them while i am here. so i have moved my flight by two weeks to give me enough time to get to see at least some of the islands. i havent confirmed my new flights yet so watch this space.
no sign of any trouble in BK, all seems to have settled down now.
Thanks for the political updates ray, i did manage to watch a bit of BBC world when i was in Hanoi (yet another room without a window, it really stank actually) so i caught that bit of that. have no idea what is going on now though!!!
Lagorn Ka!
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