Sawadee Ton Yen!
Decided to stay in Bangkok for another day, and went to a shoppin centre called MBK, which is a massive shopping centre. Take meadowhall, times it by about 4, and then add 7 levels and you will get somewhere close o the size of it. Found another bag with wheels and sent the old one home, which cost more than the backpack! Grr. I wish we had shopping in the UK like we do here, it is so good. Also bought some dresses on Khao San Road, the clothes here are good.
One thing i wont miss in Thailand is whitening creams. in everything. you have to be really careful what cosmetics you buy a everything has whitening cream. nipple whitening cream (I mean, do people really nearly their nipples to be whiter?), moisturiers, knee whitening creams, it is in EVERYTHING. It is amazing how obsessed with whitening creams people are here, so will be glad to be able to stop checking ingredients of everything.
Off to Cambodia tomorrow on the 6am bus, so will let you know what it is like when i get there! Last night in Thailand which is sad, but i'll be back in a few weeks to Phuket.
Rah na jub jub! (Love you, kiss kiss)
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