Well at first I thought that I was just going on a very long field trip to be bored but then I got to the long neck village and it was pretty cool! Did you know that they don't only put the rings on their necks but they also put it on knees? Sorry I forgot to tell you who the long neck people are, they are Cambodians that put rings on their neck and every year they add more and eventually your ribs get smaller which makes your neck look taller so I call them the long neck people.
Then we had to leave because I had scheduled an elephant ride but my sister was not feeling well so we split up and now we were late for the elephant ride. Meanwhile we eat lunch then randomly my mom sees my sister and my dad and shouts all across the rice field and still my sister and dad didn't hear. 20 minutes later. "We found you!" said my sister "Yes now after I yelled all across the field at you! Anyway it does not matter because we are late so let's go!" said my mom. 1 hour later. We are all in our jean outfits (they gave us a jean pants and shirt so our clothes don't get wet.) figuring out who goes with whom. It ends up that captain o goes alone then the guide gets on with here and she is lucky because they know how to do everything. Ma and I went together and da da and world rings bell went together. I have to tell you when I got up on to that elephant I just felt like I was stuck to a cactus the elephant's hair was so spiky! At first I liked it but I was still a little bit sacred then in the middle of the ride we started to go down hill and I got really scared and I was not enjoying it at all. Then my mom's back got really bad and she had to get off but I decided to stay on. Poor mommy got off just before the easy and fun part came and she did all the scary parts. We went into a river and washed the elephants then we went back. All I can say is that I had a lot of fun but I am NEVER doing that again.
- comments
Mr Den Hartog Hi Rosie, 3A thinks this sounds like lots of fun and they would like to try it someday! Everyone misses you lots!!! We love the post-cards you have sent us too! So far we have 4! We can't wait to see you again! 3A
Carmen Hi Rosie,the elephant ride sounds fun! Someday I want To try it to! The Cambodian people with the rings around there neck sound weird! But it might just be there culture.
Aunt DeeAnn Hi there V! I can't believe that you rode an elephant! What an exciting outing. I have to say, I don't know if I would have been brave enough to do it -- I'm very impressed that you did. We love and miss you -- but we are so happy that your adventure continues:) XOXO
Abby Wiemken whats up Rosie the elephant ride sounded amazing.Was your mom ok after ? I hope so . they have a fun coulter love Abby !xxxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxo