Water park, pink dolphins, sentosa theme park, Bird Park, night safari! Looking at the Singapore map. "I call planning our trips here." 2 DAYS LATER, Captain O you are going to get your nose cauterized, Rosie you get you warts freezed and get an allergy test said ma ma. The next day " do you think we can do something fun I getting a little scared about all the stuff?" I said. (3 HOURS LATER) "What did the doctor say about me mommy?" I said, "Well I think we might need you to have some surgery because your adenoids are covering up your air hole to breath in your throat. That day I could not eat I watched my family eat while I was starving now I know what the homeless feel like not eating every day or at least for a very long time. Then I was in the hospital getting in my hospital dress being as brave as anyone could ever be I can't believe it but I got in the hospital bed myself usually I would say no and not want to do it but no I was VERY brave. They put me under general then I woke up with me being burning hot and my mom fanning me with an envelope and putting cold towels on me and feeding me. Thank You Mom. I was meant to stay over night but I was not comfortable staying the place that burned a part of my body off so the doctor came back in his normal clothes late at night to check me and said I could go home. Just the next day our friends came and that is when we did a lot of fun things and went to the beach. I will NEVER forget Singapore! At the end we did get to do some fun things like go boogie boarding on a fake wave and go to the beach and we went to the Singapore zoo with monkeys walking around free! Plus universal studios and a really cool garden with giant towers you could climb into that lit up at night.
P.s. when we were dealing with all the medical stuff I got to actually have a trip down my nose and mouth and see what it looks like and I didn't have to get a stamp in my passport.
- comments
Gran Gautney Wow, Rosie! You have been very good for my prayer life!! Wow! You were so brave! I am so happy you are recovering and can smile and make jokes about a very serious experience! Love, Gran
Marina What's up Vittoria! It's me Marina, you are a very brave girl! OMG I cannot believe you had surgery! I miss you SO much! Yours truly Marina
Holger Hi Victoria You were very brave because you had the surgery. You must have been very hungry after the surgery. It must have been fun when your friends came over and you did fun things. I used to live in Singapore, I like Sentosa a lot. I went to a place in Sentosa called Ifly, where you got to go in a wind tunnel, with a sky diving suit on. It was awesome!!! I like the beach too because every summer there were these different activities. From Holger (student in Mr. Den Hartog's class)
Abby Wiemken Hi Vittoria! It's me Abby. You were very brave! I guess you have some changes too. I have one. I have glasses! I can't believe you are visiting in 1 month! We have 3 new students. I really really miss you. Sorry I haven't been able to comment much but I have Alice in Wonderland rehearsals for the catepillar. I hear you are moving but you don't know where? I am moving to Connecticut. My mom will email a picture to your mom of my new glasses. Your bff Abby!