As always, your comments take us along with you
in a shared adventure. Gratias! Gran
Uncle Rick
Vittoria - I finally had some time to catch up on your blog entries. I read through Vietnam all the way to Petra Jordan. I have to say your stories were fascinating, and left me eager to read the next entry. Unlike some of your previous visits, I really have little to no knowledge of these areas and really learned a lot about the region and the people from your stories. I also saw some of the pictures your mom sent to G-Ma, and it seems like such an amazing adventure. Although I did not read it in your blog yet, the pictures of Tourin were amazing - I still can't believe all of you girls got to experience that. I guess the end is getting closer now, so be sure to savor every minute while it lasts. Enjoy your time with G-Ma and G-Pa, and we hope to see you all soon! Love to all...
Cari Senderos
Hey Vittoria!! Hope you are having fun! Send my love to your sister
Matteo Adler
Dear Vittoria I hope your having great fun. I love your blog so much. I miss you
I hope you are having a great time!
Aunt Amy
Hi Rosie! When I got the message about your Sydney update (very cool picture and details about the Cassowaries!), I noticed all of your New Zealand updates too - lucky me!! It's fun to hear how the camping is going and it sounds like you all have found a groove. Just in time to move on to another venue, right? Keep up the great writing - it's fun to read, educational, and great to feel connected to you so far away!!
Lots of love, AA
Gran Gautney
Rosie, I love hearing about everyday life in the
places you visit, not just the special places you
go!! It takes good observation skills and you
have them girl friend. I am so proud of you.
Love, Gran
Gran Gautney
Hi Rosie,
Always glad to hear what you are thinking and
what's happening with you and family. I like
the way you have divided up the teaching duties. I think you will make a great "art" teacher. Your description of the islands there are reminding me of all the beautiful islands off
our coast (Can you believe there are 4,674?) WOW! Grandpa Dan and I will hopefully begin
exploring them as the weather turns warm. Love you! Gran
Nour Abdelkalek
Hey Vittoria I love your blog I discovered so much! I miss you so much when ever I see a picture of you I feel like crying.But I still hope your having fun!
Marina Senderos
Hey Vittoria I just received your postcards from Hollywood and Australia!
Thanks for the bracelet. Is it a friendship bracelet? There is a new girl in the class,her name is Jakie. It feels different without you. I am going to explore you blog to be in touch. Miss you a lot!!! Have fun!!! XOXOXO Marina