Angkor Wat is the largest temple in the world or at least in Cambodia. It is about 5.5 kilometers long. There is more than one building. There is an entrance there is the main building where all the wall stories are. Then one the way from the entrance to the main building there are a couple little hut things but it's all made out of rock.
The rock looked so old I mean it was all covered in moss and stuff and I believe that is it probably about 1,000 years old because it was build in the 29th century.
I thought it was really cool that they carved old stories into the wall to show people what life was like back then.
The history is very simple um it was made for the Hindu god Vishnu then after a couple years it turned Buddhist. So what I am saying is the temple used to be Hindu because it was made for a Hindu god then after a couple years in turned Buddhist and now days it is still Buddhist.
Ps. Most of the statues had their head token off from other countries.
- comments
Gran Gautney Hi Rosie, You have peaked my interest! What made it turn from Hindu worship to Buddhist worship? How could you tell the difference? It is certainly a beautiful building! Are there any things on the outside or inside that specifically let you know that it is a temple (e.g. statues, firepots with incense, altars, special writings?) Thanks as always for inviting me to learn and think more!! Love, Gran