Differences Between Chinese And Japanese Characters
First is Japanese's, then after the comma is Chinese
Sorry ソーリー , 抱歉
Mommy ママ, 媽媽
Daddy パパ , 爸爸
I love you 私はあなたを愛して, 我爱你
Thank you ありがとうございました, 謝謝
Goodbye さようなら, 再見
FUN FACT: In the English alphabet 1 letter could be 4 Chinese characters!
Above I just showed you the differences but now I will tell you the differences. Here are some differences that I thought of. Japanese characters are very simple but there are more characters for one word. What I am trying to say is they are simple but since they are very simple there are a lot of characters. The Chinese have very very hard and sophisticated characters to me but there's only 2-3 for each 3 words or something like that. For an example I wrote I love you and there are only 3 Chinese characters when in Japanese there are 9. These are just my opinions. I got this from google translate so maybe there is something not right? Could their life really be this hard? I mean really all of those characters for 3 words????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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