Today I went to a ninja experience and to a museum. First I went to a museum and they had their own robot Asimo and I got to see it run and kick a ball and I thought it walked really funny! Then we ate and next thing you know we are rushed to get in a line to see a movie. Sorry but I can't tell you anything about it because I fell asleep during it because the theater was so so dark. Then we explored the museum and I learned how your brain works and what your DNA is and I even got to see my DNA on a screen! Your DNA is all of your info like how you tell if you're a boy or a girl and things like that. You have DNA everywhere in your hair to your hand- everywhere!
Then we got rushed out because we were going to be late for our ninja fun! I went to a ninja restrant and it was like in a cellar and you had to say words to make a bridge go down so there were no ninjas following you and your menus were a scroll! You were locked into some sort of jail where your table was and during dinner I learned a ninja magic trick! I loved it but when I got home I sacked out and went straight to bed.
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