Breakfast then an early departure to visit the La Recoleta district. We were so early 8.15am by BA norm that many shops and cafes were not open.
About 15 minutes walk to the Recoleta cemetery, totally comprising musoleums of BAs ruling elite from an era past - although some families continue to lie at rest in existing shrines. It is a city for the dead carefully laid out in "streets" with tall musoleums. Most were locked closed however a few were open and you could walk down inside. In most the coffins were visible including baby ones and ashes urns. Some were well maintained whilst others were in disrepair. We eventually found Evita Peron's tomb. Most locals and tourists head for her grave. This is today's photo.
Next to the cemetery is the Niestra Seniora de Pilar basilica a 17th century church with ornate altars- one with bones and skulls of children and an enclosed altar of (Martin) the Jesuit priest I think from the film The Mission - to check on this.
Saw some dog walkers. I think this will be my retirement job! Most dogs were well behaved and could be let off leads in the parks and would respond to a whistle from their minder. I saw some ( like our Charlie) who obviously couldn't be trusted and were still tied up while the others were loose roaming the park with their minder ever vigilant.
We found St Martin of Tours park with a statue of him cutting his cloak.
Walked back along Alvear Ave with top hotels, shops and some very old buildings with ornate gates and drive ways used for horse and buggy entrances.
After lunch (again failing with our Spanish) if was back to the shopping
malls of La Florida and Lavalle to shop for some special people in our lives.
19000 steps later according to Joanne's pedometer we arrived back at the hotel for a nap before tonights Tango Show and Dinner. We are to be picked up at 7.30pm.
What a fantastic show. "Gala Tango" in the San Telmo district of BA. Dinner was a choice of entree, main and desert with house wine. Should also have included tea/coffee and a glass of champagne at the end but for some reason we didn't get that. Joanne had soup and I had an enchilada (like a curry puff) for entree; pork and vegetables for Joanne and I chicken and Veges for main; ending with a type of cake for Joanne and fruit salad for me.
The tango dancing was superb, wonderful costumes, dance movements and a 4 piece band. There was probably about 10 different tango dance routines with costume changes. There was also an Argentine male drummer and dancer; a lot of foot stomping, leg raising. He also had two ropes with wooden balls on the end and he twirled and cracked them on the ground- very impressive.
Another man played a small electric banjo looking instrument.
The finale was a male and female vocal duo and the dancers and musicians singing "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" in Spanish with four of them waving the Argentine flag. On Tv screens were video images of Evita Peron and the Argentinian masses. To see these performers singing this with obvious nationalistic pride was very moving. A great night.
We were dropped back at the Wilton Hotel at 12.15am.
Another great day in South America.
- comments
Shane Hi Robert, Glad to hear you are enjoying the first leg of your trip... The 'Gala Tango' sounds like it would been a wonderful experience and a great show!! Take care and hope all goes well Shane :)
Jessica Hello from Geraldton!:) Sounds like the two of you are having an amazing time and cramming a lot into your days! I can't imagine Charlie ever being one of those dogs that would be trusted enough off his lead... But maybe that can be a goal for 2012?? Stay safe and keep the blogs coming... They are great and it's nice to be able to follow your holiday from the other side of the world! Love Jessica P.s Cyclone Iggy is dye to hit Geraldton on Friday so you aren't the only ones braving stormy weather!! Xoxo