Today is the Lord's day and a great opportunity to spend it in worship at the York Minster. Bruce and I attended Choral Matins - sung prayers. The choir was from St James' Church, Bushey and combine that with the pipe organ was an experience that was amazing. 4 part harmonies, full pipe organ sound - a very high church worship service.
The message was based on Isaiah 12 and 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 and about worship being about God, and that sometimes we lean towards a service that tickles our ears. Sometimes we should step out and exoerience a different form of worship - certainly what we did today.
The rest of the family joined us at the Minster for a tour of the tower and the buildings. To get to the central tower we had to climb 275 steps of a v er y tight spiral staircase - it was a good workout ☺
The view was impressive but the day wasn't as wonderful being rather wet and windy.
Inside the Minster we were able to visit the crypt where Roman ruins have been identified as well as the Undercrift where they have put together a display about the history of the Minster - from Roman garrison to the building of the Norman Minster and its redeveloopment into the Gothic Minster.
We spent about 2 1/2 hours wandering around The Minster before heading off to Betty's Tea Room for our high tea.
Betty's is an institution and a very popular destination for visitors. We arrived and felt a bit under-dressed but oh well we decided we would make the best of it anyway and they would have to accept the bogan Maryboroughites regardless.
A glass of champagne, a choice of teas (I choose Ceylon Blue Sapphire - a black tea with cornflower decorations), and a selection of delicacies to taste - certainly not something we will do again for long while.
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