We arrived in Brisbane and as Richard was in charge of the map we managed to walk 2 block in the wrong after 2 blocks walking back to where we started we finally found the hostel and checked into our 4 bed dorm with Gemma and Euwen. We wandered out to the main shopping street in Brisbane and Shellys eyes lit up as she saw all the shopping possibilities, Richards was devastated that she was going shopping tommorow with Gemma and saw our funds dwindling before his eyes! After discovering Kirspy kreams and devouring them infront of the giant christmas tree we headed back for the night.
The next day we walked over the bridge to South Bank where there was a big esplanade along the river and a big wheel...which very much resembled London apart from the good weather and lagoon complete with beach! We then all headed to the botanic gardens before letting shelly and Gemma loose in the shops! The boys quickly gave up trying to keep up and retreated to find coffee while gemma and shally tried on the whole of Brisbane for size! Shelly was actually pretty good only spending a few pounds to stock herself up while gemma managed to invest in MANY 'essential' dresses! That night was the perfect time to take the new clothes for a night out so we headed up to Fortitude Valley for a few drinks...we had a brillaint night despite the very dodgy christmas work party going on in the bar we were in....Shelly and Gemma soon got grease dancing and all was forgotten!
The next morning Gemma and Euwen continued there way down the coast while we still had another night in Brisbane so we went and bought some delicious snacks and headed to the botanic gardens for a picnic. After making our own subway like sandwiches we headed back for some well needed 'catch up on internet stuff' time!
Next stop Surfers Paradise!
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