Rich and Martha's travels
We arrived in Melbourne yesterday afternoon and so far we've had some sunshine, snow, hail and rain - it's changeable to say the least!!! The only consistent thing through all the weather has been the wind and the cold, it's freezing!! Despite that melbourne is a really nice city to see, it reminds me a lot of England although maybe that's just the weather!! Today we've been sightseeing to the Observation deck, about 350m above the city, and the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (a museum about film making). We also had a wander round the city yesterday and managed to find the shops including an Aldi!! Still managed to not buy anything though as my bag is way too heavy already. Tonight we're seeing Rich's friend Ben as he's in town to see his girlfriend and then tomorrow I think we're hitting the Sunday markets. We fly out of here on Monday to Brisbane and the sun hopefully!!
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