We've made it to the Big Apple for the day to show Rich the sights and do some shopping in the sales. We tried to go to the Empire state building but the queues were too long!! We did mana…
Viva Las Vegas! We arrived in Vegas on the 21st December, we're staying in the Monte Carlo hotel on the strip, it's all totally amazing. Bright lights and big noise everywhere. After s…
We're on our last full day in Hawaii and we've spent it doing a once in a lifetime trip. We got up at 5am this morning to go and swim with Dolphins. Despite the early start it was tota…
Please excuse the photo album of my house - it is completely and utterly boring but I am just updating Rich and Martha as they haven't even seen it yet. And yes I am sure they will think it's boring too xx
Just been reading your updates, and looking at pictures of you both on boat and in sea, whilst sat inside, with rain and wind lashing on the window. You know how to make a girl jealous. Still looks amazing. Hope Fiji lives up to expectations. Love Im. xxx
Emma Collins
Hi guys!
Was a very drunken affair on Saturday celebrating Shak's birthday and yes Eva was shocking and the usual mouth on her u know you are not missing much! Spark had his drink spiked with a rape drug apparently....only joking! Not a lot else happening here apart from the weather dropping considerably yesterday and I would like to announce that autumn is finally here yuk! the coat came out today too so not a good sign! Photos look amazing and sounds like you are having an amazing time u lucky lucky kids! lol emsxx
Hi you two, Well what have you missed here in hailing England (yes only in Reigate I think) ? Shak's party!! If I remembered it I could tell you but as I only remember up to about 11.30 I can just tell you that it was a good do up to that point and that someone must have spiked my drink - I am not a light weight. Hope you are having lots of adventures...that swing thing looked a bit painful Rich! xx
Laura & Adam
Hi, looks like you are having a fab time!! Bali to New Zealand can't be bad!!! Went to see Robbie on Friday, he was absolutely brilliant, although Take That still have the edge for me! Ims came down as well so we had a good old boogey for you Marth. We are meeting up on October 21st, so will try and call you if you have a number, of maybe you can call us? Nothing exciting to say here really. Adam is a student again and going to night school from next week!!! He gets cheep drinks anyway ... Write back soon and take care, love Laura & Adam xxx
Well what can I say. Bali sounds amazing. Sure you pair did this site just to make us all very jealous. It's working! My life pales into insignificance, unless working and sleeping is exciting! Have had some fun seeing Mr R Williams. Was pretty cool, and enjoyed staying with Laura. I see she finally got round to posting you a message - pretty poor performance as she works at a computer all day!
Keep enjoying and making us jealous, we can pretned to have been round the world with you in our little imaginations! Hope NZ wicked. Get round to posting some proper pictures, you'll have to figure out how.
Love Imogen
Hey guys! Sounds like you're having a fab time. Not surprised you didn't like Kuta after seeing the beautiful side of Bali. Can't wait to hear about the next stage. Gemma thought NZ was the best part of their trip so I'm sure you'll love it. Things fine here... new job is good but quite daunting - so much to learn and everyone is soo good at what they do! I'll get there in the end I'm sure.
Take care,
Laura xx
Hi! No one has written here for a while - I was thinking it was looking quite sad or is that just me checking it on a Friday night??
Anyway I hope you got to New Zealand ok. You are missing a lovely wet September, I haven't moved yet, but I got all the papers today (an A4 bible practically) so maybe by the end of the month.
Then it's my turn for girls dinner and I have been promised the bare naked butler's or something like that!! Can't wait!! The only problem will be that I won't have a dining table and they might have to bend over a lot. Errr! Yuk!
Emma Collins
Hi guys! Good to see you got there ok am very jealous already u lucky lucky things! Not a lot happening here you know the same ole same ole.
Look forward to hearing from u soon just wanted to post a message as a. was a bit of a novelty b. wanted to say hi ya and c. bored at work..no only joking keep enjoying yourselves and catch up soon
lol ems and pc
Nice to see you have arrived safely and already culturing yourselves. Imogen's right you are not missing much here. You missed Schnitters at mum's today though!
Oh God - it's work tomorrow - bet that makes you feel good!!?? x
Can't believe you're in Singapore now. Not missing much here been raining all day! Rich - keep Martha away from the cocktails in Bali, we know the effect they have on her. Have an amazing time you lucky pair, we'll miss you, but we know you'll be having fun, and it's wicked we can keep in touch this way! Going out now to get wet with dog and horse, great, think you had the right idea!!
I can't believe you must be on your way now!!! It was lovely to see you both on Sunday - just wish I could have got back for the evening. Have a fantastic time. Let me know about Fiji, just incase I ever get there. Emxxx